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    There was once a kingdom in a land called Tyr. People there called it “The kingdom of Alfheim” People there lived in harmony and charm, theres nothing to worry about. Well lets just say, the people got what they wanted and are satisfied with the king’s rules. King Midas was his name. People known for his merciful and understanding actions to his people but also known for his greed towards gold.


    As for King Midas, he’s living a happy life for himself and his daughter, Anastasia. Got it from her father, Anastasia is also very kind and always helpful to her citizens, her father tought her well. She was only nine that time.


    As winters passed by, the Kingdom had shortage for materials as well as food. The farmers werent able to harvest crops due to cold winter, and so the king had no choice but to do the one thing he hates the most, going to war. Ofcourse, his men are always ready and are well trained but the King promises her wife that he wouldnt go to war as he lost her in a great battle.


    After a long consideration, the king have decided to engage war with another kingdom and so the two kingdoms had a great battle, both side are strong but King Midas and his men are well trained for any kind of war and so glory has fallen to King Midas’ hand. His men are cleaning the battlefield but something drew King Midas’ attention, a chamber with a brigh light. And with no hesitation, the king went inside.


    The chamber was so dusty and very old looking but the light keeps on shining brighter and brighter. As he walked towards it, he heard noises, noises of a crying woman and he found a fairy crying. “Who are you and why are u here?” asked King Midas softly. “Im the fairy of Tyr jungle, please help me escape as i have been traped here for 23 winters. Help me and i will grant you a wish” cried the fairy.




    The king thought of the proposition for a while and decided to help the fairy. As the agreement says, the fairy will grant King Midas’ wish. “Im a prisoner no longer due to your help. And by that, a promise i owe you and a promise i should do, what do you have in mind King Midas?” thanked the fairy. “I wish to have an ability that would make things solid gold as i touch them” answer the King. “Your wish is my command, but beware as your greed might take over you.” But words has fallen to deaf ears as King Midas wasn’t aware to the consequences he’s about to face.


    The great war ended and it was time to go home. The king deiced to have a feast regarding his victory today. The finest chef cooked the best meal in the kingdom. The King’s men dig in right away followed by princess Anastasia.The king took a plate of steak and is ready to eat, but as he touches the steak, it becomes solid gold and had no chance to bite or cut it. So the king decided to go to sleep.


    A fresh morning. The king woke up happily because Anastasia woke him up. He softly swipe her cheeks but things just got worse as his own daughter turned into a golden statue. The king shouted in pain and cried in agony for his greed in gold brings him agony and pain. The king announces the whole Kingdom about what happened and asks his men to search the fairy. The whole Kingdom rushes night and day looking for the fairy.


    After a week the king started to lose hope and wanted to give up in his life. His royal advisor cheers him up and decided to take the king to his royal garden. The king sat on a bench and told his advisor the whole story. The advisor nods and tries to cheer him up.


    After thinking that theres no hope for him anymore, the fairy appeared in his garden and walked towards King Midas. “My king, i sense your pain and im here to help you as you helped me once.” The king was so happy and told the fairy what happened. “As i say my king, the things you like will bring you joy but it comes with a price” said the fairy.




“well i hope you learned your lesson.” The fairy flew away and left King Midas. As promised the fairy helped King Midas and take his ability back. Now King Midas doesnt have to worry about a thing and he apologized to his daughter for his action. After that, they live happily ever afer.


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