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At first, all she felt was the cold. Each crystal of snow pierced her bare skin, stinging like an electric volt. Then the coldness was gone. In its place a heaviness, a numbness remained. She tried to move but couldn’t. The snow pressed on her body. Forcing her down. Dragging her away, away from the light, away from life. She had to fight. This can’t be the end, her thought screamed. If only I just stayed at home, if only I listened to dad. Her thought was full of regrets.

She held on her diamond necklace. It’s the only thing she had left from her mother. Then she finally relaxed her muscles. As if it’s telling her that everything would be alright. That there would be justice. That someone would pay for her misery.

I will not be forgotten, she vowed.


50 years later on 30th October,

Jade was watching the TV when her phone buzzed.

*Video call request from Lizzy *

“Hi Liz!”

“Hi Jade! Here’s my new necklace! Isn’t it great?”

“Wow! It’s beautiful Liz, where did you get it?”

“I bought it from an old jewelry store. Actually, when I bought it this old lady said something about the curse of Heather Woods or something, but it’s really pretty so I bought it anyway. I think I’m gonna wear it to the Halloween party tomorrow.”


“Yeah, it’s probably nothing.”

“Maybe that Heather girl will haunt you.”

“Shut up! She’s probably not even real. Here, let me look her up on the internet.”, Lizzy said while typing in her laptop.

“So, is she real?”, Jade asked

“S-she was. Here’s an article about her.” Her face turned pale while reading the article. “Heather Woods. Girl who was buried alive in the snow in 1965. Here’s a picture of her”

“She’s pretty”, Jade said while looking at a girl with beautiful platinum blonde hair and her light blue eyes. It’s so light, it almost seems white.

“She is, but I still don’t believe in that stupid curse. And besides, how could something this pretty be cursed?”

All of a sudden, Lizzy went offline.

“Weird. Well, I guess I’ll just watch TV ‘till I fall asleep”, Jade said to herself. Suddenly she had this feeling that she’s being watched. I’m just being paranoid, she thought to herself.


Later at midnight

Tap. Tap. Tap. Jade heard from the window. What was that? she thought. She looked out the window and saw a blonde-haired girl wearing Lizzy’s diamond necklace. Then she ran to her room and locked the door behind her.

Her phone buzzed. *Call from Liz*

“Hi, Liz -”

“Jade! help!”, Lizzy interrupted with a scared voice.

“Liz, what happened?”

“Help, I’m in your basement!”.

“What?”, jade asked.

“Heather Woods-”

“AHHH”, Lizzy screamed.

*Call ended*

Her heart was beating so fast. Just breathe, she thought. Then she walked to the basement. She took one deep breath before entering the basement. She turned the lights on and-


“AHHH”, she screamed after hearing a familiar voice.

“Happy Halloween!”, Lizzy said while laughing.

“What the-? you almost gave me a heart attack!”

“You should’ve seen the look on your face.”

“So, this is all just a prank? It’s not even Halloween yet.”

“It’s pass midnight now, therefore it’s Halloween. And you've always scared me ever since we were kids. Now, it’s time for revenge.”

“And Heather Woods wasn’t real?”

“Oh no, she was real, but who believes in a cursed necklace?”,

“Wow! I’m impressed. You even wore a blonde wig and scared me through my window. I actually thought you were Heather. Where did you get that wig anyway?”

“Wait, what wig? I didn’t scare you through your window.”, Lizzy said. Her face turned pale.

“What? But I saw a girl outside who looks like Heather. She was even wearing your exact same necklace”

“What? That’ impossible! I even left my necklace in my house”

“But if that wasn’t you, then who was that?”, Jade asked in fear.

They both went silent. She wanted to believe that Lizzy was just messing around, but the look on her face said otherwise.

“J-J-Jade?”, Lizzy said while pointing at something behind Jade.

Jade turned around. There she saw the lifeless girl with her platinum blonde hair and her light blue eyes that she saw earlier that night, wearing a beautiful diamond necklace. While Lizzy screamed and ran away, Jade couldn’t seem to move. Her body was completely frozen. Then she felt a cold hand on hers, dragging her out. And the last sensation she felt was the cold burn of the wet grass as she was dragged away, through her front yard, down the sidewalk, and far, far away from her home. And the last thing she heard was the sound of her own screams.

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