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It was exactly 3.12am, it was a rainy morning when I woke up wide awake, waking up at 3 in the morning was a new thing for me, I myself is such a sleepyhead that wouldn’t even wake up until 11 am. Waking up I was greeted by a loud creak, positive that it came from the basement. My uncle was over so he decided to stay in there, I really didn’t think much at all, maybe he was just going to the restroom or something.

I can’t go back to sleep, the rumbling of the thunders and the strike of lighting kept me staring at my ceiling. It was all good until I heard my phone buzzing off my alarm, and it shows 5.00 am. “have I stayed that long?” I wondered. I would usually  snooze my alarm till 5.30am and get out of bed a few minutes later to prepare for school. I was ready, so I came downstairs and there is my mom in the kitchen preparing my little sister’s breakfast.

“Mom when is Uncle Greg residing from this house”, I asked. “Oh he left this morning”, she answered.And from that answer I know what all the creaking was about. Oh yea by the way did I tell you that I am very I bothered with my uncle’s presence, every time he comes over to reside in my towns, there is always an uncomfortable feeling.

There it is, my school bus. I walked inside the bus and went to school. At school the thought of waking up in the middle of my sleep like that really concerns me. I began asking some of my friends, some of them said it was maybe because of the noise and there are a few that said it was something paranormal.

The school bell rang and then we’re all out of school. My mom picks me up and we went home. She was suddenly asking me if I ever bought a sage. “What mom, are you out of your mind! Why do you ask?”, I replied. ”I found a few in the basement”, she said I was terrified, and my mind is straight up thinking of my uncle since he has been living in my basement.

I arrived at home and I immediately went into my room. Thinking about the whole sage thing really creeps me out, I always think they used sages in haunted houses, and now it is literally in my house?

My curiosity has taken over my body. So, I checked my basement. I took some of them and then put them in my bag. The next day I went to my grandma’s house, she is pretty experienced with things like sages, pendulums, so why not ask her. She told me that the sage I brought wasn’t a normal sage. It has existed since the 1890s.

“Where did you got these?”, my grandma asked. “I found it in the basement”, I replied. “Is this yours?”, she asked again. “No, I think Uncle Greg might have brought it to our house since he stayed for a couple days”, I answered. “Greg? I thought he is on a cruise with Sierra”, she replied. “He went yesterday, right?”, I answered. “No sweetheart, he has been on a cruise since last week.”, she said

My cheeks and ears started to get hot, My face started getting red. “So, who has been living in my house?”

I went home greeted by my sister in the front porch. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was too scared to go into the house because there is a man that keeps on staring at her. Keep in mind she’s only almost 5 years old. I never expect an explanation like that could come out from a preschooler.

“let’s go inside its getting cold out here. Where’s mom?”, I said. “I don’t know”, she replied. My sister’s toys are in the basement so I had to walk there and get her toy. Walking down the stairs my sister saw a black shadow moving across the room, so fast that I didn’t get to see it with my eyes. To ensure that what my sister saw is true I checked the CCTV.

It is true.

When my mom come home I told her everything, She invited a pastor over. The pastor said that what he did to “clear the energy” was temporary but ever since he did the ritual I felt very safe. That feeling existed until one night.

My sister woke up at 3.12am, she ran across from her room laughing her way to my room, opens the door, sat on my bed, points at the door and says, “He just wants to play”

There is nothing near the door




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