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One day, Aleisha Cartenfold with one of her friend named Alex Barley went to a place that they haven’t been there before. A hidden place near the place where they lived. “Alex, i think you need to close your eyes for a second then open your eyes and you will see the most beautiful place you’ll ever seen.” Alex tried to closed his eyes tightly and opened his eyes. “Whoaa, you’re right Aleisha. It’s the most beautiful place i’ve ever seen.” They can’t believed it, they saw a place like heaven. “Ok Aleisha,  let’s just called this place Akreina.” “No, i don’t like that name, Alex. What about Arganie?” “Arganie? Ok then, it’s a good name anyway.” “Wait Alex, i think we’re the one who found this place for the first time.” “Yeah, i guess.” They kept walked until they saw a small hidden cave. “Alex look! There is a cave there. I will go inside.” “Wait for me Aleisha!” They ran to the cave and when they already inside at the cave, they can’t saw anything cause it’s too dark. “Alex, do you bring any flashlight? Because we need it.” “I don’t know. Let me check at my bag.” “Ok, be fast.” Aleisha look around the cave while Alex tried to find the flashlight. “Ok, here we go Aleisha” “Ok nice. So now, let’s walk around the cave. Stay with me and don’t go anywhere without me.” Then, Alex nodded. They looked around the cave and saw many animals there. But then, they found a small place in the cave and they tried to went inside. “Alex, what is this place?” “I don’t know Aleisha, i guess it’s a small heaven in this cave.” “Let’s just try to look around. Maybe we’ll find another heaven here.” They walked around the cave but they didn’t found another heaven there. They took about 30 minutes and they still didn’t found another heaven until they saw a group of animals walked to them and tried to attacked them. “No no no, Aleisha. They are going to attack us.” “Ok be calm, Alex. I count until 3 and we will run. 1..2..3.. RUN ALEX RUN!” They ran as fast as they can until they fell  down and fainted.

                The next morning, they woke up and saw many wild animals around them. “Alex, where are we? What i remember is we’re on the cave but why we are in here?” “I don’t know Aleisha but i  guess somebody put us in here” “Somebody who? I think we are the only human here.” “If it’s not a human, maybe the group of animals yesterday that put us here, Aleisha.” “Maybe. Ok let’s just find the way out of here. But remember, stay with me and don’t go anywhere without me.” Alex nodded. They walked until they saw another small place that far away from where they woke up. Actually, they don’t wanted to went to the small place there because they scared if there is the group of animals like in the cave yesterday. But then, they decided to went to the small place because they thought it would be the way out so they came inside the small places. “Ew Alex, what is this place? Why there is so many green slime everywhere and it’s so smelly?” “I don’t know. But let’s just keep walking so we can get out of here and get back to Arganie.” “But wait Alex, how if this is not the way out of here?” “We will stuck in here.” Said Alex while walking. “Wait Alex, i don’t want to be stuck again. I really really wanna go back to Arganie.” “That’s why Aleisha. Keep walking and hope that this is the way out of here and we can go back to Arganie.” They took 1 hour to walked around and they heard a strange sound comed from the west. “Alex wait, i heard something from the west.”Alex looked at the west and screamed. “OH MY GOD ALEISHA! IT’S A DINASOUR!” They screamed and  ran very fast. Luckily they ran fast so they still can survived from the dinasour. Suddenly, they saw a door that shined to them. “Whoaa Alex, why is it so shiny? I can’t see anything.” “Aleisha, i think it’s the way out of here. Come on we have to be fast because i’m scared the other dinasour will come here to attack us.” Aleisha nodded and they ran to the door and when they opened the door, it’s not shined anymore. “Whoaaa Aleisha, we make it! We already in Arganie!” “Yeah Alex, this is all because of you. Thank you very much. Without you we can’t make it.” “It’s ok Aleisha.” They smiled to each other and went back to where they lived.

Tags: adventure

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