Barry Romulus Bartholomew was a kid when his mother told him stories about Ashura's Blades or The Teeth of the Corrupted, a weapon of mass destruction capable of ending the war between the metal people and the Wozards. The Wozards are a race of humans that wield magic and are able to cast them with ease. The war between the two factions started around 650 years ago when the king of the Wozards, Uthgard van Blaviken waged war with the Metal People to obtain their metal powers to rule both the Metal People and the Wozards. He died 50 years later when he was killed by the legendary Mortis who wielded the Teeth of the Corrupted. Mortis was a fearless and charismatic leader who lead the Metal People to victory in many battles. But he got killed in the battle of Grindelheim when he was surrounded by the Wozards and Ashura's Blades are broken down by the Wozards into four pieces guarded by elite members of the Wozards in four dimensions. When Barry reached the age of 21, he showed exceptional wit and strength and he was able to receive the title of Seeker. The job of the seeker is to seek the four pieces of the blades and finallly end the war between the two factions. The next day, the Casters opened a portal to the first dimension, the Broken Dimension. After Barry set foot on the first dimension, he immedietly regretted going through the portal 'cause the dimension was filled with radiation, black clouds and a weird smell in the air that almost smelled like sulfur. He searched around the first dimension for half a year just to get a clue as to where the first piece was. The dimension was deserted and there was nobody to talk to and Barry was starting to get a little delirious. Then he saw someone wearing black robes and a mask to hid his face. Barry got up and followed the mysterious figure until he stopped near an abandonned hotel. Barry swiftly reached for blod forbannelse in his pocket and slowly approached the man. When Barry was about to strike, the man stopped him in his tracks with his hands. Barry was caught and he was sure as heaven that he was about to die but the old man asked "Who are you?". "None of your business" replied Barry. Suddenly, Barry felt excruciating pain on his head with a bit of vertigo. He didn't know what the masked man was doing but then the pain stopped and the man said "Barry". Barry was shocked that the man knew his name. He didn't say anything but he drew a conclusion that the pain in his head was the man entering his brain. "Why do you want to search for Ashura's Teeth Barry?" asked the man. Barry didn't replied cause he knew the man already knew the answer to his question. "Do you know who you're serving? Do you even know your own blood?" asked the man again. "I'm a descendant of the great king Phillipe Carinje" answered Barry without a second thought. "Hate to break it down to you, but you're a Wozard Barry." told the man. Barry was in disbelief, he couldn't cast spells and the words of a man he just met couldn't be true. The man touched Barry's forehead and he was in pain again. He wanted the pain to stop so he focused all his might on breaking the spell the man casted. Barry concentrated really hard and before he knew it the spell broke. Barry saw the man and rushed towards him with burning rage. As Barry charged at the man, he felt hot all over his body and was planning to stab the man with blod forbannelse through the heart. But the man casted another spell to stop Barry again. "Look" told the man while pointing towards blod forbannelse. Barry saw his knife was on fire but it didn't melt or got burned. Barry looked at his hand and he saw fire. The man took off his mask. "I finally found you, son". Barry couldn't believe it, he was a Wozard all this time. That explains why he didn't die when exposed to the sulfur. Barry always thought he was different than the rest. He actually was. A few minutes later his father told him that Barry was taken when he was still a child and he explained that his family were an elite group of Wozards tasked to guard the Ashura's Blades. Barry had an idea and told his father, what if he reassembled Ashura's Blades and destroy the Metal People once and for all. His father didn't agree at first but he wants to end the war so he gave permission. TO BE CONTINUED.
Tiba Tiba Cinta Datang
Short Story
Cerita tersebut menceritakan tentang seorang lelaki yang jatuh cinta pada seorang gadis manis yang suka pada bunga mawar. Lelaki itu banyak belajar tentang cinta dan segala hal dari gadis dan bunga mawar
Kisah yang Kita Tahu
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Tapi hari itu angin kencang, rambutnya yang panjang berkibar-kibar ditiup angin, dan poninya yang selalu merumbai ke depan wajahnya, tersibak saat itu, sehingga aku bisa melihatnya dari samping. Sebuah senyuman.
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