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Who would’ve thought that I would have my very first boyfriend when I had reach the age of 10?

Not my parents that’s for sure.

Back in 6th grade, all I cared about was having fun. I mostly focused on making new friends rather than trying to score a smile from the most handsome boy in class, but that certainly didn’t stop me from having a crush. I do remember having more than just a couple of crushes though. Sure, they were short-lived and the reasons behind them were clearly childish, but now as I replay those memories, it becomes very amusing to my older self.

Especially the memory of my first ever relationship.

It took the boy 4 times of getting rejected, and I was so sure that he had given up by then, but he surprised everyone. After mustering up what was left of his courage and dignity, I finally said yes; not to marry him, of course, but to give him the honor of being my very first boyfriend.

Since all of this happened during primary school, everything took place online. It wasn’t anything extravagant or romantic really. It was just words from a kind, dedicated boy being honest about his feelings to a girl, who was proud to have Dora’s hairstyle. You know, maybe that’s what attracted him to her. No, not the hair, which was indeed odd, but because she stood out from the other girls, just not for her looks. It was for her personality instead.

In 2010, Facebook was a big thing, so obviously most of the action happened there. Not very exciting to hear, or read, but what did you expect from two very shy 10 years old, who clearly didn’t have any experiences in relationships what so ever?

The only thing that mattered was to be able to see the other person at school. The fact that we were both in the same class made that a whole lot easier. Sometimes when I’d catch him looking at me, or vice versa, I remember we’d both smile to ourselves and I’d occasionally slip out a few chuckles here in there, because of how great it felt.

To have him wave me goodbye at the school lobby, or secretly meeting up at the Subjects section of the school’s library just so we could finally talk without having the other students constantly pestering us. The funny thing was that by the end of the day because we were so shy, we would just end up sitting next to each other with a goofy smile plastered on each of our faces; and the only thing we’d say to each other was a simple “Hello”.

We were both so young and had little knowledge--and bravery--to have done more than what we did. Somehow, back then, that was all it took to turn my frowns upside down. A simple smile or glance from him had a big effect on me, and to be honest he wasn’t that good looking, but he was cute in his own way. I considered him as the clown of the class—and my heart—for he was like a big and colorful umbrella in the middle of a rainy day, where the sky is dark and grim, but there he was; bright and happy, just what a 10 year old should be.

However, I wouldn’t classify that as love. It was miles from it.

Consider it the beginning of it all.

Which was why it lasted only for a brief moment. He made 2 months of my 6th year in primary school very interesting and certainly colorful. Unfortunately, my childish way of thinking had to end it all. But maybe it was for the best, because now he has found a much better girl that is far better than how I would’ve been if our relationship had carried on.

To this very day, we’ve remained good friends and when we do look back on our history together, we don’t dwell or have any regrets on it. We just simply laugh and smile because how great of a preface it was. 


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