Once upon a time there was a titan named Thones. He is he strongest titan after his father. His father is the god of titan. Thones wanted to complete the mission from his father. The mission is to kill all of the creature in the universe. He want to make titan the oly living creature on the universe. The only people that can stop Thones is the god of death. He have the power to stop Thones from killing every creature at the universe. But the god of death died because he was to old. He died at 9,999,999 yaers old. To kil all the creature on the universe , Thones must have all 5 of the power stone. The stne can give Thones an amazing power. The first stone are called the Time stone, it can travels you to the past or the future. The second stoe are called the Transport stone, it can travels you everywhere ouu one in only 1 second. The third stone are called the energy stone, it can give the other stone more energy, so it can make more powerfull power. The fourth stone are called the Mind stone, it can control or see everybodies brain. And the last stone or the fifth stone are called the invicible stone, it can make you invicible, the other cannot see you. To collect al the power stone Thones must find where it is and fight the protector of the stone. All the stone are spreaded at the universe. Thones must find where is all the stone are located.
Thones command all his guard to find the transport stone first. Thones choose to find the transport stone first because, if Thones have the transport stone he can transpor to the location of the other stone. After the guard found the location of the transport stone, Thones fight the protector of the stone. Thones can kill the protector easily because, Thones have a sword that is made up of the strongest metal on the universe.The sword also can take the energy of the stone and use it for defends. The second stone that Thoes found is the Time stone. The protector of the the tome stone is a witch. For Thones it is quite hard to kill the witch, because the witch keep travels to the past and the future. Finally after fighting for 1 hour , Thones kill the witch. The third stone is the energy stone. But to take the stone the protector said if yo want the stone you must kill the people that you love. Thones loves his daughter, so he must kill sis daughter to get the stone.Thones was sad that he must lost his daughter. But he must do it for the mission. The third stone is the mind stone. The mind stone was located at the forhead of a superrobot. The robot use the mind stone for acting like normal human exapt he have super power. But the superrobot was protected by the revenger. Revenger is group of super heroes that have superpower. So Thones decide to take that stone tha last. The fourth stone are located at a kingdom named guardian. The stone are protected by the god of thunde. Actually the god of thunder is one of the revenger. For thones fighting the god of thunder is an easy fight because Thones already have 3 stone.
After Thones have all four stone Thones Thones come to earth to find the mind stone at the superobot forhead.The revenger al join for the war versus Thones. The revenger must protect the superrobot. Because if Thones have all 5 stones all the living creature will died. Now the only people that can defeat Thones is the god of thunder with his new weapon. The god of thunder make the weapon also from the stronggest metal on the universe.The god of thunder killed the titan,Thones with his weapon. Than he destroy the power sttone so no one can kill all the living creatures.