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          Today is the first day to go to my new school after we move to this new town. I wake up and go to the bathroom to take shower. Then I put on my clothes and my brown contact lens. I use the contact lens to hide my red and blue pupil.

“Morning sunshine” my mom greets me. Then, Ryan, Landon, Leo, Kai, Rhys, and Hansel follow me to rush downstairs. They are my brothers.

By the way I’m the only one that has red and blue pupils while the rest have brown and green pupil color. As you can see my families are unordinary. Not only different pupil color, we also have powers. My dad has fire power, my mom has flying power, Ryan has ice power, Landon has speed power, Easton has healing power, Kai has teleportation powers, Rhys has laser power, Hansel has wind power, while me I’m different from the others, I’m a vampire because I was born during solar eclipse.

After me and my brothers finish our breakfast we all walk to school. Many people stare at and talk about us when we pass them. I think I’m the only one that can hear people’s thoughts and what they are whispering because I’m a vampire.

When I walk in the class everyone stares at me. Then the teacher asks me to introduce myself “Hi, my name is Paris Parker but you can call me Paris, nice to meet you all.” After I’m done the teacher asks me to sit near the window beside a girl with walking stick. “Hi, my name is Sydney, nice to meet you Paris”. “Nice to meet you too, Sydney”. I can see in a glance that Sydney has problem with one of her legs.

The class starts and the topic for today’s art class is to draw something or someone. “What! I can’t even draw” *sigh*.” When I’m done I look at Sydney’s drawing. “It’s so beautiful” I say. “Thank you but yours are much better. Who are they, the people that you draw?” asks Sydney. “Oh they are my brothers. Do you want to meet them after class?” I say spontaneously. “Sure I would like to know more about you Paris” says Sydney.

*ring, ring, ring* after art class is dance class. We all walk to the dancing class. I hear lots of girls are gossiping about me while we walk.

Soon Mr. Lee entered the class. “Good morning students! Today we are going to create and dance based on our own choreography. I’ll divide you all in groups. Sydney with Paris, Jackson with Mason, Alexander with Noah, Charlotte with Abigail, and so on. Now hurry make your own choreography and you will perform one hour from now.”

 *one hour flies* “okay students are you ready?” asks Mr. Lee. All cheering: “YESS!” “So, Charlotte’s group first then followed by Jackson’s, Sydney’s, Alexander’s, and so on. We all have a good time in dancing class. Even Sydney enjoys too.

After we’re done with our dance class it comes lunch time. I go to the cafeteria with Sydney. I see my brothers sitting on one table. Sydney and I go grab our lunch first then we join my brothers. “Hey sis, what’s up? How’s your first day here and who is she?” asks Landon to me. “Whoa… chill, I’m fine and it’s not that bad I guess” I answer to Landon. “This is my friend, Sydney” I continue. “Hi, I’m Sydney” says Sydney introducing herself. “Hi Sydney, I’m Ryan, and this is Landon, Kai, Rhys, and Hansel” says Ryan introducing his siblings one by one. “Wow Paris, you have a lot of brothers and you are the only princess in family” says Sydney smiling.

When Sydney and I walk downstairs to the next class, Sydney tripped and accidently scratched her hand to the edge of the stair. I can smell her blood. So I carry her to the schools health unit. But on the way I can’t handle myself so I lick her hand that is covered with blood until it’s healed by my saliva. Sydney gave me a shock face. “How did you do that Paris?!?!?!” ask Sydney. “I will tell you but please don’t hate me” I reply fast and explain to her everything.

When we walk out from the last class to the school gate Sydney says something surprising me. She says “don’t worry Paris, every single person is special, you are special, I am special too in different way. I won’t judge you by your look. Let’s be friends”. I don’t say anything but I am sure she knows how grateful I am having her as a friend. And we become good friends ever since.


--- The end ---

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