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“Hey Abby, look what I found”. A voice called behind me, that was my friend rose, I was packing my stuff and cleaning my room because I am going to collage tomorrow. I graduated high school three weeks ago and here I am now with my two best friends, rose and Caroline, who are helping me pack

“What is it rose?” I said as I looked at what is she holding in her hands. It was a dusty box. I remembered I got that box during freshman year to store object that will remind me about high school because I was that cheesy.

Caroline approached the both of us and opened the box, she took a broken glasses and I remembered why I kept it there


“Hey nice glasses nerd” he shouted while laughing, the whole cafeteria stared and laugh at me. I was only wearing that hideous  glasses because my old ones were getting fixed so I had to use it temporarily. I was ready to run and cry my eyes out when I heard-

“Hey leave her alone, she’s just a freshman” rose shouted defending me, I knew her cause she is one of my classmates. I ran to the garden anyways and accidently bumped into someone, my glasses fell and broke, I picked it up and continued my way

When I got to the garden I immediately cried my eyes out and didn’t realize someone else was there. “Hey are you alright?” a voiced shared me, I flinched and saw who it was, its Caroline, we took fashion club together, that’s why I know her.

“Yeah I’m alright” I said while wiping my tears with my hands.

“Hey how did you ran so fast, I was catching up to you” rose said while catching her breath
“hey what happen to her? She was crying when I found her.” Asked Caroline to
Rose. “oh I’m Caroline by the way.” She added while holding up her hands for a handshake.

“She got bullied by this senior named Joe, he is such a jerk.” Rose explained. “and I’m rose, nice to meet you.” While giving Caroline a handshake.

“awhh come here, you don’t need to listen to what he says, he’s a jerk” Caroline hugged and rose joined.

“Thanks guys, I feel much better now” I thanked them. And this is when I first met them, and look at us now, we are best friends.

End of flashback


Caroline and rose continued to search through the stuff in my box, we found some really interesting stuff and shared more stories. Rose held up a dirty tennis ball and said “hey I remember this.” Caroline was confused because she wasn’t there when this happened because we had different classes. So I had to explain what happened.


“What class are you guys having next?” asked Caroline. Rose and I replied PE and Caroline had math, so we had to separate after lunch

The coach told us that we should wait till the senior were done cause’ we are using the field and we had to take turns. When the seniors were done we rose and I immediately race to the field cause’ we are playing tennis, and tennis is one of my favorite sports.

Rose couldn’t really play so she just hit the ball randomly and that ball accidently hit a puddle and splash Joe, who was standing next to it. The splash of water made his pants really dirty and his friends started laughing at him, he was really embarrassed and walked away from the field and went to change his pants. Rose and I laughed as he walks away and continued playing.

End of flashback

After looking through all the stuff that’s in the box, they continued helping me pack, I am going to be moving to Seattle University and my friends are sleeping over so they can drive me to the airport tomorrow.

“Hey guys” I said breaking the silence between us. They both look at me and I continued
“even if we are separated by distance and time never lose contact of one another okay? Promise me that” I said almost tearing up, “I will miss you guys so much” said rose almost breaking in tears.

I was the first one to let go of the group hug. I said “don’t forget to call me and text me everyday” they giggled a bit and rose Caroline added “oh how did high school went by so fast.” We both smiled and the afternoon was filled with laughter and tears.


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