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In dispirited hope, the cold tile my only witness

As I repeat thrice, with helpless whispers

Love, fulfillment, happiness

No matter how, or in what form it would arrive

The only thing that mattered

Was that it did


And even though my only witness

Was the cold tile

Where my forehead rest

My dispirited hope, was hope nonetheless

And the whispers were nothing but insignificant

To the cold tile

But I had hoped they were a plea for help

That reverberated through heaven

And through God’s ear

For I have waited by the sidelines

And the sidelines were tough

Similar to the likes of a rainstorm

Waiting for a rainbow

And I waited

And waited

And waited

And waited

until the solid, consecutive specks of rain

on my head

were familiar enough to bear

and the cold wind

froze me to the core

til I felt numb


but when I looked around

and saw

not an inch of sunlight was spotted

and no one was coming for my aid

and I was rendered with a lethargic heart

and a deteriorated soul

I had realized

Through my tears of laughter

involuntarily smiles

and the permeated warmth

in my cold stone heart

from the people, I call family

from the people, I call my friends

from the people, I call home

I found I, had it within me all along

I realized that neither love, nor happiness

And even fulfillment was mine to receive


Fulfillment was mine to inundate

Happiness was mine to create

And love was mine to give


And all that time

Standing in the rain

were moments that lead

to the realization that

God didn’t think I needed saving

Because God knew all along

That I was my own savior


A/U :

Hi, this book was very last minute, I literally set everything up within an hour. But I felt like my train of thought were best represented in poetry than in full constructive paragraphs. it's probably one of the main reasons why I have never posted a full fictional story yet, but that's a work in progress, I guess. I made this poem because I felt like it was a something, an exposed part of me, I could share to everybody, to anyone who felt like their world is upside down, or feel your life’s just reeling in one problem after another, or if you feel just plain lonely. But this poetry isn’t all doom and gloom, it’s about longing for something that never came, and having the courage to believe in yourself, have faith that you’ll get through whatever complications the world can swing at you.

Anyways, I’d like to give a thousand thanks to you who took the time to read this, I’m not by any means up to par with some other famous poets, but I try my best, and that’s enough

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  • dear.vira

    Beginningnya udh bikin penasaran nih, sukses selalu 😊 Jika berkenan mampir dan like story aku ya Terima kasih :)

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