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The dark blue eyes always meeting the brown eyes, with no reason. It happened automatically and there's no way to avoid it. A million questions running as fast as the train.

With those eyes, time has stopped. Frozen and can't breathe. Didn't care where the train take them. Didn't care how many station have passed. Didn't care how annoying another passenger is. Everything seems dead, only their eyes were alive. Took a sneak peek but always ended up caught each other.

Same job, different place. It's clear showed by their uniform and the hat on their head. A waitress in restaurant. The only thing they knew about each other is the name on their badge, "Lucy Xavier" and "Cedric Mitch".

Everyday went to the same destination but never knew which place they're going to. Met on the train but never met on other place. Wanting to greet each other but none of them were able to go first.

They're staring each other although both of their eyes were showing a sad expression. The same questions running into their head.

'Did she love me?'

'Did he love me?'

'Did she take me down?'

'Did he take me down?'

'Was she on my side when i suffered this life?'

'Was he on my side when i suffered this life?'

'Tell me the answer'

'Tell me the answer'

They're hiding the same scars. They felt pain all around their body. Everything can't passed so easy. They're having the same nightmare everyday. They won't sleep anymore. They didn't want to saw the same nightmare again. Both of them have dark circles around their eyes. But it can't hide their charm. 

Going back to a few years ago, dark and twisted past. Both of them have experienced violence for the rest of their childhood. No one comes to help them, no one.

They never knew that there's almost no difference in their life. And probably, they will never find out the reason behind it. 

A year has passed, 12 months, 365 days, 8760 hours, 525600 minutes and 31536000 seconds. They still haven't greet each other. Today, Lucy brought her camera to take a picture of Cedric. Lucy waiting for the right time to take a picture of him. Cedric felt so tired today. He fells a sleep on his seat. Lucy not gonna missed this gold chance, she took a camera from her bag and took a picture of him.


Lucy feels so happy till she can't help to not smiling. Lucy put her camera back to her bag before Cedric awake. She's staring at Cedric while he fells asleep. All of sudden she feels worry of him, is it just her or tears really running out from his eyes? Everybody seems so busy on their business till no one find out about what she's seeing now. Cedric awake in suprised "Ah!?", he mumbles while squeezing his head. It makes Lucy more worry of him.

Cedric mumbles frustrated "Why... That three man never come out from my mind...."

The next day, Cedric didn't came to the subway. Lucy keeps waiting for him but he never came. 

"Is he wake up late? Is he okay?"

Lucy comes in to the train and feels so lonely, she never realized how lonely she is without him staring at her eyes. She hoped she will meet him on the way home.

6.00 PM. Lucy comes in to the train but she still can't find him anywhere. 

"Is he taking his day off? What's wrong? Is he suddenly went by another transportation? Is he sick?"

Lucy unlocked her apartment door and sat on the bed. Still wondering why he didn't came to the train today. Lucy took her camera from her bag and stared at his picture, don't know why she always smiling everytime she stared his pic. Minute by minute stared at his picture, she noticed something. She zoomed the picture and suprised. She turned on her laptop and typed "Cedric Mitch" on facebook search. She found his profile and stalked his timeline.

Jackson Criech, a month ago 12:15 PM

"Happy birthday my brother Lukas! I'm missing our moments on hockey club when we're in freshmen year!"

Lucy feels confused, why his friend called him Lukas? It's clear that his name is Cedric. Or he wearing a wrong badge for a year? That sounds weird for her. And that name reminded her of someone.

Lucy went to his old post.

National Field Hockey Competition, 5 years ago 3:07 PM

"Congratulations for Lukas Anderson and his club for winning a gold medal on 2012 National Field Hockey Competition!" -tagged (Cedric Mitch)

Lucy's fingers were shaking. She went to the comment below the post.

Derreck Green, 5 years ago 3.30 PM

"Congratulations my bro! We proud of you and your club!"

San Andreas, 5 years ago 3.50 PM

"Seems like there will be a party tonight! Woohoo! Congratulations bro!"

Cedric Mitch, 5 years ago 5.00 PM

"Hahaha thank you so much guys! Party on my home tonight!"

Lucy turned her laptop off immediately and looking for something on her desk. She found it, an old pic when she was kid.

On the other place, Cedric laying on his bed. He's not feeling well. He feels lonely without seeing Lucy today. There was something he curiosed about her since a year ago. First, her name reminded him of someone. Second, what's her eyes real colors? It's clear that she worn a contact lenses because her brown eyes didn't seems natural and she always holding an eye drops on her hand. 

Cedric turned on his ipad and open facebook app. He typed "Lucy Xavier" on facebook search and found her profile. He went to her photo album and found her old pic. 

Lucy Xavier, 2 years ago 10:33 AM

"I found my old pic on my desk today, it's me when i was 6, i still look so cute and haven't worn contact lenses hahaha"

Cedric suprised.

The next day is saturday. None of them went to work on saturday. They can't wait to meeting each other again. There was something that they need to cleared up as soon as possible.

Every saturday morning, Lucy always took a morning walk. She walked on the street while humming and looked down. 

"Come back and tell me why, i'm feeling like i've missed you all this time. And meet me there tonight, and let me know that it's not all in my mind."

Suddenly, there was someone in front of her whom blocked her way. Lucy looked up and hugged him immediately. "Lukas!!" said Lucy excitedly. "My little girl!" said Cedric a.k.a Lukas. Tears running out from their eyes.

"Where have you been? Why did you changed your name and dyed your hair?" asked Lucy while sobbed.

"And you!? What about you? Why did you changed your last name and wearing contact lenses on your blue eyes?" asked Lukas.

"Of course for hiding my true identity! Just the same with you! I... I can't sleep every night, thinking about you, i've never should leave you alone with them, i'm so sorry...." said Lucy while sobbed.

"Hey, i told you it's gonna be alright, i'm the one who told you to run. It's not your fault" said Lukas.

Back to 13 years ago, Lucy and Lukas were a brother and sister. Their parents always abused them. One day, three man with a mask came to their house and kidnapped Lucy and Lukas. None of their parents came to help them. They ran away together but the three man caught Lukas. Lukas told Lucy to leaving him. Lucy ran to the police but none of them believe a 6 years old kid. Lucy met a new parents whom treat her better than her own parents. Otherwise, Lukas's life were miserable. Everyday, the three man abused him and made him to work for them. At the age of 15, he ran away and lived alone. Both of Lucy and Lukas hide their true identity to prevent the three man found them again.

And now, with every step they took, They will always together no matter what.


Tags: Drama

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Comments (3)
  • refachan1

    Omg thank you so much guys! And my name is Refa not Rifa xP

  • AsifAmiri

    Welldone Sarifa

  • h1q

    One of the best things in internet today, best writing, all the best .. u deserve the best

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