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It’s hard, really.

To recall what you had just eaten 5 minutes ago. Even though bread crumbs scattered on the filthy floor, I just can’t seem to recall the thing. I will never know how the bread looks like, how was it taste, and how big was it (well I believe it was no more than a half of a toast). It has completely gone from my memory.

            I am envious of you, guys. Truly. I am certain that you still remember the first word of the first paragraph. But I remember it too. It was “Hard”, right? No? Ah, it was “It’s”. Damn. And here I thought I have enhanced my mind’s ability.

            But don’t worry. I’m not the only one. Human’s brain has shrunk since a long time ago. Maybe since last century, I don’t really know. Anyways, it has shrunk to the extent that human could not remember things anymore. At most, 1 hour. And the person whose able to do that, honoured by the title, “The Most Influential Person”. Amazing, huh? The most powerful, dominant possession is not money nor authorities. It’s all about memory. The more memory you have, the more powerful you are. Sad, isn’t it? In this world of futuristic technology and stuff. Our predecessor would cry seeing us now.

            As I was staring upon the empty space, a child caught my attention. In the shop of which I was begging for some humanity (Of which, there is nothing left), the child sat on a black chair.  His age is no more than 10. His parents sat beside him, checking their feeds. His eyes were all white. He was surrounded by cables and holograms. His head was rounded by “memory chord” and his hair went up as though as he was been electrified. He was in the process if transferring his memory to a “file”. A round looking suitcase with a lot of cables to store our memories. Its heights half of the boy’s body. And probably weighs more. Of course, since our memory is not just an HD movie with approximately 2 GB. Our memory has 1080p of visuals, audios, smells, emotion, taste, feels, everything that our sense capture. So, even one second of our memory would cost more than 10 GB. And for certain, it is not the right job for flash disks. All the sudden, the “memory cord” that rounded him went rainbows. black, white, blue, green, yellow. I guess our memories are colourful, huh? Whether it is full of joy or grief.

            But thinking of that makes me wonder. If the mind were to be empty, will the memory cord show those rainbows? If the mind were to have nothing, will it still have colours? If I were to put on those high-tech tools, what memory that could exist to give such varieties of colours? After all, my life is filled only by a 5-minutes-ago memory.


The sun was scorching. The asphalt road sent mirages to the yellow sky. The no longer blue sky seems happy today. No rains or black clouds. Well, there has been no rains since I could remember. I sat at the front of a shop. It was written there, “Memory shop”. At first, I don’t get it. Are they selling memories? For I heard some people buys memory as ecstasy. Or maybe they fabricate minds. So, people could have days they never had. Well neither of them was right, though. It supposed that they sell, or more precisely, rent tools to store the memory. I don’t give any damn.

“You again, huh. Old man.”

A deep voice startled me when I was shooing the mice that gathered upon me. “Hurry up and leave. I’m already sick of your face.” As I watch the man passed by, I wonder, was I’m here yesterday? If so, since when I’ve been here? The only thing I know that I’m sitting in a front of a shop and that man was just talking to me. That’s the only thing I know in my life. And it come and gone in the next second. Who am I? And my view started to shut.


            The nothingness started to fade away. A sip of light went through my lid. As I tried to fight for consciousness, a hit wafted me. This frail body flew a few meters from where it should’ve been.

“What are you staring at, Old man? Go away! Your presence stinks!”

            It was followed by a hard-kicked can to my face. Send me blown again for the second time. After just barely regained my consciousness, I couldn’t withstand it, and for the second time, my consciousness went by.


            Where am I? It’s all black and dark. Soundless and empty. Is this the end? I see. After all those days starving, I finally finished it, huh. My life.

             How many days it had been? 1 months, I guess? The blows that had sent me flying really end it all, huh. Wait a minute. How could I remember these things? Isn’t my memory could only last for 5 minutes? Why does this happen?

            Ah, I see. It’s the end after all. The brain chemical started to react and returned my memories. I hope it happens when I alive, though. Still, I’m happy I could recall those memories. At the very least, I won’t die without a name.

            A faint smile suddenly appears, the sound of applause, compliments, tears, laughter, warmness, all the thing I could not feel nor see. They surge me in the shape of waves, sinking me in. Even if it just for a few mere seconds, on this dying “bed”, I’m finally feel alive and happy.

            With a smile, I shall say, “Farewell.”


Day 203rd of year 3017th.

            “The death of Memorian Industry’s CEO, the developer of what we called memory chord, has died. This news sends massive shocks throughout the whole world. Mr. Dan was found in front of one of the Memorian shops at Holland road, Day 199th of year 2017th. He was found in a state of starving and exhaustion. Mr. Dia has been reported gone since a month ago, after an unusual blackout in the Memorian Industry main office. Moreover, the result of the autopsy shows a few brain damages in Hippocampus area which essential for memory function. With this, the officials presume that Mr. Dia has lost his memory and wasn’t able to recollect on who he is. With his minimum appearance in public, the society couldn’t give much help in this case. This is all for today’s news. My name is Marika Lea, have a nice day.”

Tags: ecom18-1

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