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The Future Of Human Beings


“Technology has forever changed the world we live in. We're online, in one way or another, all day long. Our phones and computers have become reflections of our personalities, our interests, and our identities. They hold much that is important to us”-James Comey


Digital disruption is a transformation caused by emerging digital technologies and business models. Innovative new technologies, as well as various digital platforms created by tech giants, have been influencing our lives in different ways and challenging our traditional values.


With the widespread use of smart devices, so-called netizens are creating their identities and expressing their opinions in an internet world that knows no borders. Are we in control of the digital tools that claim to improve the quality of our lives? Or do we feel threatened by the changes brought by digital disruption on our traditional ways of living? How is today’s world impacted by these new technologies? Is digital technology disrupting our life and values, or is it creating new ways of living? In this essay, we are going to explore more about how technology changes humanity and society in the future.


First of all, privacy in societies become more vulnerable with future technology. Have you guys ever watched a movie called “The Circle”? It’s a movie about one big tech company that uses future technology supposedly to help human beings. However, it doesn’t go according to their plan. Sure, the technology is beneficial at some point, such as it can help people that need help, but there are other issues that the company doesn’t consider. They are ethical and personal freedom. Have you ever thought about making a second instagram account because you are afraid people will judge you on some of your ugly or more personal posts? Based on the research from Western Sydney University, there are at least 3 reasons why teenagers would want to create a second instagram account. The first reason is for their real friends. In other words, they do not wish to show everybody on the net every post that they have made, hence the reason for the creation of the second, private account. Secondly, they wish to enjoy privacy from outside their own circle and lastly, to boost their own popularity. Think again… Social media firstly created to express one’s feeling or as a media to connect themselves to the others. However, what is the definition of social media right now? Is it a place for people who only aim for popularity and perfection? This has explain that people are afraid of being open to media. Whether it’s bad things or good things, society seemed to be indirectly wearing a “mask” in the media to cover all up the bad side of them and showing only the perfect version of them.


The movie also explain about a company that needs a transparency of people in order for the technology to work, however, with a certain level of transparency comes a whole other sort of problems. In this case, most of tech companies nowadays are asking about our personal identities and information during a sign up process. They are asking about where we live, our personal contact data, and even credit card information. Now, let’s take examples like Netflix and Facebook. When we are creating an account on these platforms, we seemed to indirectly giving our personal data to the companies. It means unconsciously we have been forced to trust these both companies. However, are they really reliable about keeping our personal data? In reality, they can just easily sell our personal data. Probably not now, but there is a little chance of them to sell our data to get an additional money to be invested in the company.  Let me ask you a question, if you are the CEO of one company that the sales lately has dropped significantly and leading to a bankruptcy. The only option that you got is secretly selling people’s data to get an extra funding. Do you want to do it or no? Considering about the company that you have been built since a long time ago. It has a good reputation and possibility to grow in the future. What will you do?... It all depends on each people’s perspective whether they want to consider the ethical side of it or not. Transparency is like a double edged sword in the sense that it all depends on the quality of the manpower in the company. If the people in the company is dependable and can be trusted, then transparency can be effectively done. However, with great power comes great responsibility. If the persons inside the company are unreliable, then eventually the information shared will be leaked to the public or to other rivaling companies. 


There is no stopping the onward surge of technology. Whether we like it or not, the future of humans will depend on technology. Even now, technology has consumed our daily lives in different variations, be it your car, your television, your phone,etc. Since the introduction of technology, our lives have become significantly easier and more efficient. When before you would have to send a written letter to your family thousand of miles away, now  you can send an email with the touch of a button. This is just one out of a plethora of possible opportunities by which technology can be used. Other example is the use of technology in food. People are starting to develop a Genetically Modified Crop. Based on the Statista website research, 74 percent of US adults seek for genetically modified foods. Believe it or not, people are starting to create all of the things that we can think of using future technology. People are starting to make anticipation of the possible crisis that we have in the future using technology. However, are they reliable in the context of safe to use? There are many contradiction issues of the use of GMO as our daily food. According to The Institute For Responsible Technology, we should avoid the use of GMO. One of the reason is because it can creates a dangerous side effects. We do not know what and how the genetical engineering works to make a food. I believe that there is a certain boundaries where people should stop to create genetically modified things. Think about it this way, we live in this world with all the sources of natural things, but people starting to think about a fake genetically modified food. Why don’t they just take care and use most of the natural resources that we know they are all safe and no side effects. Why we as human are making another new issues when we still have an alternative option that we sure that it is safe?

Throughout the evolution of technology, we must always remember that we are the masters of the machines. In the movie, “The Matrix”, there is a discussion among the chancellor and Neo, the main character. The chancellor asks Neo what differentiates us from the machines. When he answers that they as humans can destroy the machines when they please, the chancellor answers that those machines are what keeps them alive as they provide the oxygen that they breathe. This is a perfect example of how humans have become dependent on machines till the point where they cannot live without it. In conclusion, I believe that even the future of technology have 1001 benefits in our society and humanity, it does not mean our life will be perfect. There are still a lot of consideration about the negative side or the side effects of this advanced new technology. Since we are more likely to be dependent on technology, does it means it change our human beings? I believe it changes our lives significantly. It shapes next generation of human kind and being to be more rely on technology with the lost of humanity life and value.




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