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Missing Piece


  Once upon a time, there lived a 15 years old girl from London known as ‘Masked Girl’. She live with her step parents in New York. No one knows her real name, even her step parents. Her step parents call her as ‘Kate’. That’s why some people call her as Kate. Everyone knows that she was just the step daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Johnson. Mr. Johnson is a CEO of a big company in New York. Mr. Johnson took Kate from the London orphanage when she was 6 years old. And it was the second day she was sent to the orphanage. She was known as a very cheerful girl without a friend. Everyone think of her as a very strong girl who never cry. She was always smiling. They thought that it was weird that she always wore mask and hoodie or maybe jacket. But no one have seen Masked Girl’s point of view.

  In Masked Girl’s point of view, she wanted to have a normal life without wearing mask and hoodie or jacket. She wanted to live happily with her biological parents. Have fun with her biological family. Her parents told her to wear mask and hoodie before they were gone. But one of the reason she wore hoodie was to hide her wrist that were cut. She tried to cutting her wrist. Because for her, living is meaningless without happiness. But why did she always smile if she didn’t feel happiness? She smile to hide the fact that she was weak. She wanted happiness. She thought that it was impossible to feel happiness after her parents death. She never trust anyone. For her, trusting someone is showing that you are weak.

  She just wanted a normal life. But it seems like it was impossible for her. Everyone in her school wants to be friends with her. She wanted friends. But she knew everyone wanted to be friends with her was just because of pity and her intelligence. She wanted a real friend. Until one day, everything change within seconds. Her new classmate called Bryan Averheit became an important role in her life. Since Masked Girl was the only one without a deskmate, Bryan became her deskmate. Her classmate told Bryan that she was just Mr. And Mrs. Johnson’s cheerful step daughter. They told him that no one knows her actual name and how she always wear mask and hoodie. Are you wondering why the teacher or principal lets her wore mask? Her step parents told the principal about her condition. And they asked the principal to say that half of Kate’s face was burnt when she was young if anyone asked about it.

  Each day, the more Bryan and Kate turn into friends. They helped each other when they need help. Kate thought that it has been so long that she felt comfortable around someone. She thought that it might be a chance for her to feel happiness again. For her, there was no meeting without reason. Every meeting and ending has a reason. Why did they meet? Was it a coincidence or fate? But seems like everyday, they keep on opening up into each other. Slowly, the scar on her wrist was healed. And slowly, she change. Now she didn’t wear hoodie but mask? She still wear it. Little by little, she gets confident and comfortable without hoodie. Bryan thought that she looks even more beautiful without that hoodie. Oh and, he knew Masked Girl’s real name. And slowly, she was brave enough to opened her mask. At first, she didn’t feel comfortable. But as time goes by, she has the confidence to show her true identity. The goddess of her high school Scar or Scarlet Evans, well known as ‘Mask Girl’.

  Somedays after revealing her true identity, she figured out that she was falling for Bryan. And Bryan found himself falling for her. And like a dream came true, Bryan and Scar are now a couple. But they kept on acting like they were friends. But they are dating, why not act as a couple? It’s their choice. For them, it was their source of happiness.  But little did they know that happiness was not because of someone you were with or someone that made you feel different. Remember, happiness came from your heart. You control your emotion. You were the one who control your happiness not someone else.

The End.

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