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The Future of Time

By Nael

                 It doesn’t matter anywhere we go, time always goes on and on, and on. But, there was a man who created a watch. He sold his watch because cheap things these days, worth much more than in the past. The watch was sold and bought many time to different people. Then, there is a boy named James who bought the watch. He notices something unusual. When he changes forwards the time in his watch to the one in his phone, everything around him keep changing as he changes forwards the time in his watch. He thinks that if he changes the time, he can go to the future. And he also thinks if he changes backwards he can go to the past. So James changes forward the time as much as he can until he can really see what’s bright in the future. He becomes very confused because of why he didn’t grow older. He sees that people built tall and modern buildings, but the environment still looks so good too. People also invented so many new things. Like a train that moves in the sky, a watch that displays a hologram screen, a hover board that lets you to fly, and many more.But then James realizes that you cannot find anything because they don’t know who James is. That means he has to find a random person that trusts him. He goes to a shop that sells clothes at that era. “This kind of currency isn’t valid anymore. You should exchange it with a new one somewhere.” said the seller. James tries to find a place where he can sell old money. He finally found a store that allows people to sell old money. The woman in the store said “All of your money is worth one hundred thousand Vectors.”He became very happy because he knew that he will be a very rich person. He thinks that he can buy cool things from the future. But when he wants to travel backwards to the past his stuff will be gone. He went farther into the city, and he found a big sphere globe clock which is powered by solar energy to give energy to the city. He was amazed after knowing that. When James explored more about the city, there are spaceships that he saw flying to the air and suddenly disappeared. He directly ran to the area where are the spaceships are.He met and talked to a kid who looks almost the same age as him. James asked about what are people working for in this city. But the kid answers “No one really knows what we do hard things for. The legend says from a very long time ago in this place, there was someone who has so much power until he can dominate the whole world. Some people say if you want to achieve something big, you have to do something big too.” James asked to the kid “Can I go with you to different places in your adventures?” The kid replies “I can’t take you with me if you aren’t experienced to handle this mission. By the way, my name is Tom.” Suddenly, Tom saw there was a watch that looks unfamiliar to him. But he doesn’t know what it actually is. Then, he tells to the people around him and they said, it was an ancient watch created in the 20th century. It was lost, so the watch was forbidden to be used but it’s been found with people for many years. They were hoping to destroy the watch when James travels back in time to the past. He expected to see more from the universe because it’s a lifetime experience. Tom agrees because he has the same opinion with James. After that, James went with Tom in a spaceship to see a part of the universe. Then, James turns his watch backwards and throws it from his house.


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