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                                     Gods Of Asgard

Asgard, the city of the gods, built by Lemuria , the king of Asgard. Lemuria was a really nice king for his people , when he was 25 years old , he married Greece, who was his childhood bestfriend in La Asgarde International School Of Gods And Godesses. Greece was pregnant and she was a mother of 4 on the 12th September year 260 A D. The 4 gods and goddesses of Asgard were born. Their names were Archilles which means the warrior, Althea which means the one who heals , Arastoowhich means the knowledgeable and wise , and finally , the protector of humanity , Amborgio. The 4 of them were raised as a kind person. When their father thought that they were mature enough, they were asked by their father to protect the last powerful sword of Asgard. There were 5 powerful sword of Asgard, they were Doleros , Poseidon , Hawaiki , and Luths , but sadly , all of them were gone , monsters outside Asgard took them. The last sword was called Dragnipur. It was not that easy to keep this sword safe ,  because you know what  , there were hundreds of monsters from around the world were eyeing this sword. One of the most powerful monster was Glawackus , the monster who only can be killed by Hyacinth , a poisonous flower that only can be found in Ascelipas. Glawackus knew everytime the Dragnipur got out of the box, because he had a spy which was Ares , Arastoo’s guard. And today , Glawackus and his 60.000 warriors came to Asgard to take the Dragnipur away from their hands , and of course Achilles , Althea , Arastoo , and Amborgio are ready for this moment. Amborgio was the leader to start this war , ”win or not , we have to keep this sword safe” he said. The sword was kept in the fifth sky , because it is impossible for Glawackus to reach the fifth sky. Then , the war begins. One by one , Glawackus’ warriors died. Until the next 24 hours, Glawackus only had 5 more warriors. Good thing, the one who heals , Althea, brought the poisonous flower which was Hyacinth. Amborgio , the protector of humanity then dropped 5 drops of the poisonous flower , Hyacinth’s potion to Glawackus’ mouth. Glawackus felt tired,then in the next 2 hours, he died. The war did not just stop here. Achilles , Althe , Arastoo , and Amborgio did not expect that Empusa also had plans to take the Dragnipur away from them. Empusa is an ancient Greek monster, one legged and having a leg of copper, whose precise nature is obscure. For this war , Empusa brought 12.000 of her warriors. It was easy to defeat her , because her warriors were really weak. But if one warrior died , there will be one more living warrior.Empusa planned to steal Dragnipur away because her father told her if she could get the Dragnipur, she will get her father’s wealth. It includes a castle , a bunch of gold rod ,  war equipment , and some of her father’s warriors. Empusa is a money-oriented person. She likes to show her wealthiness to people. Empusa is actually really , really , really nice , but because of money and all the expensive things , she became a money grubber. Then the war begins, Achilles used 2 weapons, which 2 of them were swords, Arastoo used 8 weapons  which were guns, boomerang, sword, spears, polearm, blunt stave, javeline, and harpoon, Althea used 3 weapons which were spear, throwing sticks, and blunt stave, Amborgio used 6 weapons which were dagger,sword, polearm, javeline, sword, ans spears. With the power of Achilles, Althea, Arastoo, and Amborgio, the Gods and Goddesses of Asgard, the 4 of them defeated Empusa. There will be no one that can take away Dragnipur away from their hands.


                                                            The End

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