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I hear the sound of wave. The blazing sun is burning my skin. But what’s weird is that I’m surrounded by water, stranded on an island. I try to get up but my legs feel so numb. I don’t know why am I here. When I try to recall my memories, my mind is foggy, like a swirling mist. All I remember is that my name is Cassie and I’m 15.


 Where am I?


“SOMEBODY HELP!” I call out, my voice ragged.


The only reply I get is the sound of wave. Silence, nobody answers. I lift myself up. My body is all soaked up with water. My head feels hurt, it is like I’m hallucinating and the sun is so hot I could die from dehydration. “help,” my voice starts to fade.


“Hey, wake up.” I hear a boy’s voice. My mind is still wandering off somewhere. I open my eyes. I’m inside a jungle. “I’m Tristan.. I saw you passed out in the beach so I took you here,” he explain.


My body still aches. “Stay calm, I’m going to cover up your wound, I think you just hit a big coral reef," he says. “Where’s the other?” I question him. “There are 20 people here, but we splitted up to find other people,” he says. “What’s your name?” he asks me. “Cassie,” I answer slowly. “Well Cassie, your foot is fixed.”


“You’re probably wondering where you are, right?” Tristan asks. I nod. Yes, it’s not your common situation that you wake up with no memory, in a stranded island, with a random teenage boy beside you.


“Do you have any water?” I ask. “No, but we’ll search it now. C’mon,” he says. We begin to walk through the jungle. I’d say this is one big jungle. Glad Tristan knows his way. “What’s the last thing you remember?” I ask. “Tristan, 17, and I got here in a ship,” he answers. We chat along while walking.


“Hold on, I heard something.” The bush is shaking. “Let me take a closer look,” Tristan whispers as he gets closer. It's a person. I was shocked, I thought it was a snake. “Hey Tris, found anything yet?” She asks Tristan. “Just this girl. Anyway, Cassie meet Lara. Lara, this is Cassie,” Tristan says, trying to make introduction. “We’re searching for fresh water, but we got no result,” Tristan says as we continue walking.


“Hey are you okay?” Tristan asks me. “I’m fine, just need a rest,” I say. So we sit on a log somewhere in the middle of the jungle. Exhaustion creeps into my body, my head begins to pound, like a hammer striking my skull over and over again. “I’m going to search something, you guys stay here, I’ll be back,” Lara remarks. “How did she keep her strength?” I ask Tristan. “Don’t ask me, she’s like 22,” Tristan replies. “Age doesn’t matter, you know.”


Time passed by and we’ve been sitting here for hours. Lara finally shows up, “I found nothing.” Great, now I’m dying. “Let’s go back, it’s starting to get dark,” Tristan says. “Where’s our checkpoint?” I ask. “At the beach,” Lara replied.


It’s already dark when we arrived. People are making bonfire. I see Tristan walks away from us.


I try closing my eyes, but the crackling sound of fire is too loud. An hour goes by and I’m still laying near the fire. I sit up and look around at everyone else, who all appear to be sleeping. I then turn myself towards the water, seeing a dark sillhoutte of Tristan. I stand up and walk towards him, I sit beside him.


“Can’t sleep?” he asks.


 “I don’t know how to sleep,” I say.


 The ocean waves breaks the silence of both of us.


 “I’m sorry, I should get ...”


 Tristan breaks me off, “It’s fine, I don’t mind.”


 Now we’re staring out into an endless abyss of dark ocean. “Tomorrow I’m going to find water or else I’m going to die,” I say, breaking the silence. “I’m going to get some sleep,” I say as I leave him. “Good night.”


 I’m sitting down in a ship, heading somewhere. Then, people starts screaming. The ship is leaking out. “mother!” I cry out. She’s missing.


I wake up. My heart is pounding. I think I remember something from my dream. Even if it’s only a glimpse, I feel like it happened yesterday. “Bad dream?” Someone asks. “No,  I saw my mother. We need to find her,” I demand. “Was it in a ship?” Tristan begin to ask. I nod. He starts thinking. “Cassie, that’s your memory,” he says.


 As we continue walking inside the jungle, I hear someone's voice, "Cassie." The sound is getting louder. It creeps me out. “Cassie it's me,” it shouted. Mother?

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