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There was once an expert marksman named Richard Whittaker. He was one of the best marksman in handling guns on his very own planet called Domum which is located in a distant solar system inside the Andromeda  galaxy. Richard was loving his life and his work as an marksman until one day, a group of advanced and intelligent humans came to Domum. At first both the government and also the army thought it was a treat and that they wanted to colonize and take over they’re planet. So, the foreign humans was then under siege and arrested. After they were arrested, one of them asked the government to talk to him, when the government went to him , the man said “My name is Pops, I am the captain of my army  that went here with me and I came here to seek for help, not to take over this planet.” The government then said  “My name is Jeff and I am the government of the planet, why do you need help?”. Pops then replied that his planet is attacked by an advanced alien and is no match for them because they were outnumbered and need more reinforcements . So, after that the government decided to help him and chose the best army possible. Richard was one of them , so he had no choice but to help the government and the army to take down the aliens.

After days of preparation, they went to Pops’ planet which is called Pulchritudo and is not very far from Domum. When they went there Pulchritudo was really under attack by aliens and was struggling. So, they then talked to one of the leaders that they want to help. And the war begins between humans and aliens. At first the humans has the upper hand but after awhile  they started to struggle because of the aliens new strategy in which results deaths to humans. But then, the aliens was planning to charge on the humans and they did which gave them the upper hand and the humans being in critical state and need reinforcements badly. Richard which was chosen to be the leader of the army then think of another strategy to counter the aliens and told the army to hold back and take out any aliens near them. Then,the humans was having the upper hand again and the war was still on despite the aliens which now is struggling to beat the humans because they were outnumbered. The next day, the aliens retreated and fly back to their planet because they have no chance of winning that time. The humans was very happy and thought that the aliens retreated because they already lose. Richard and his army then prepared to go back home to Domum after having  a hard time fighting the aliens on Pulchritudo.

But little do the humans know, the alien isn’t retreating because they admit loss against  the humans and wanted to just go home, instead the aliens are actually retreating and returning back to their home because they needed more help and reinforcements to fight the humans again and to win the war. Richard and his army then thanked  the Pulchritudo  when they want to go back home ,and still not realizing that the aliens will attack again. When they want to go back home,suddenly  the aliens came back and attack them. The humans was surprised and Richard decided to help Pulchritudo to fight the aliens. The humans was outnumbered  and was struggling once again. The humans was near to loss, so Richard sent some of his army back to Domum to get more reinforcements and help. The reinforcements  then came back and helped to try to beat the aliens. So, Richard decided to launch one final attack because the aliens was losing so he sent an army to beat the aliens. But the army didn’t came back to them , so Richard then went there  with his army and find out that the aliens managed to kill the army using a trap.

Richard then felt sad because he lost fellow of his army, so he wanted to avenge his fellow troops death and then attacked the aliens in which he and his army managed to beat. Peace was then restored to Pulchritudo thanks to the troops who is willing sacrifice their lives which includes Richard and his army. They then came back to Domum to go home and also telling Pops that they managed to beat the aliens. Pops was then thankful and decided to work together with Domum to build a great civilization. The civilians of Pulchritudo and Domum  which includes Richard Whittaker then lived happily ever after.

-The End-

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