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"Do you think you will get scholarship? HAHAHA! You such a dreamer! No one will let you get scholarship! No one will let you go from this house! You're our servant!"

Those words again, those voice again. I'm getting sick of it! Especially when it comes from my meanie older sister. Why none of my family defend on me!? God I hate my family, so much. I chose to run outside and slamming the front door. 

"ANNA! DON'T YOU DARE SLAMMING THE DOOR LIKE THAT! THE DOOR COSTS IS HIGHER THAN YOURSELF!!" I heard my mom screaming with a scary tones. "Then make our front door to be you guys new servant!" I said with a loud voice before leaving my house.

"Why do i need to have a family like them!? Why they keep torturing me, hurt me and underestimate me!? I'm a part of their family! How can they treat a weak little girl like me as a servant!? They don't deserve to live! There's no place in this universe for them!" I mumble while walking toward the street and kicking some rocks.

"Woof woof!" I saw a cute doggy running towards me. "Hey cutie! What's your name?" I said while caress his head. "Woof woof!" He become excited and give me something from his mouth.


That's a..... Ribbon. Maroon Ribbon. "Is this for me? Where you've got this sweetheart?" I said. "Woof woof!" He left.

Alright, he left. I found it sweet that he gave me a beautiful maroon ribbon. Guess i will tied my hair up with this maroon ribbon.

Dark. Everything is dark. I can't see anything. It feels like i'm spinning around in the same circle again, again and again. Till i'm drowning.

"Ah!" I wake up suprised. The first thing i saw are trees. So many trees. Is this.... Forest? Where am i? I'm trying to get up hardly, my head still dizzy.

Suddenly, someone standing in front of me. Squeezing my shoulder and stare right into my eyes. A beautiful middle-aged woman. She's actually either beatiful or creepy. She smiles and her eyes turning to be red... Dark red... I guess it's maroon. I've never seen someone with maroon eyes before. "Welcome to Ribbones, our new member" She said. "Welcome to Ribbones, Welcome to Ribbones, Welcome to Ribbones....."  An hundred person with red cloaks behind her walking toward me and said the same. It's... It's REALLY FREAKED ME OUT!. "Who.... Who are you... Wh-what is this.... Where am i....." I said while took a step back from them.

"You're becoming our new member...." That middle-aged woman walking toward me while holding another red cloak. "Wh-what member!? Stay.. Stay away from me!" I yelled at her while keep taking a step back. 

"Duk!" My shoes hit a rocks behind me and make me fell to the ground. The middle-aged woman become closer and closer to me. "No!! Go away!! Don't come any closer to me!" I said. But unfortunately, she already stood in front of me and put a red cloak on me.

"My Ribbones! It's time to sacrifice our new souls!" said the middle-aged woman with a loud voice and pulls my hand to follow her. "Sacrifice new souls... Sacrifice new souls..."  said an hundred people with red cloaks. "N-no!! Where'd you want to take me! Let me go!!" I said, but she keeps mumbling "Sacrifice new souls... Sacrifice new souls..."

She takes me to a big draw well and she spells something to the draw well. I saw a maroon light comes out from the well, and showed some people... Some people whom looks very familiar to me..., That's... That's my family!.

"Anna Yamada, We're welcoming you to be our new member. Firstly, you have to sacrifice souls of the most people you hate in the entire world. All you need to do is spells "Fiienta", and they will disappear, forever" said the middle-aged woman.

"The most people i hate in the entire world? Disappear? What do you mean by disappear!?" I said.

"Means they will trapped in the zero circle. Place with no time, no space, no life. Just the same with black hole, they can't come back. Forever" said the middle-aged woman.

"W-what!? I don't want to throw them to kind of that place! I do hate them but still they're my family! I can't let them disappear!" I yelled.

"This is the rules for our new member! Rules are a rules! If you won't do that i will make you're the one who disappear!" She yelled back at me and squeeze my shoulders hard.

"N-no! Please no!" tears running out from my eyes.

"STOP! I WILL SACRIFICE MY SOUL FOR HER FAMILY!" A blonde girl comes out from the middle of the crowds. I... I know her, she's my old classmate, Violina! How can she'd be here? Is she part of this?.

The middle-aged woman walk towards her and said "If you say so, Violina. FIIENTA!"

"NOOOOO!!!!!! VIOLINAAAAAAAAAA!!!" I scream and trying to reach her. But sadly, she's already gone and the only thing left from her is just a maroon ribbon on the ground. I sobbed.

"Everyone! Come back to the cabin!" said The middle-aged woman with a loud voice. 

While everyone walking toward the cabin, i run and hide behind the trees. I cried. What's all of this!? I don't understand anything! I just wanna go home! Anyone please help me! A warm palm suddenly caress my cheeks. Who? I stare at the gorgeous green eyes right in front of me. "A cute girl is not supposed to be sad" He smiles softly. I pushed him away from me. He fells to the ground and get up "That was rude, dear".

I realized that he didn't comes alone here, he takes a little guy with him. I guess that little guy is around 10. "Who are you? What you guys want from me?" I asked while took a step back, that just a common thing i do when i scared. The gorgeous green eyes pulls me closer to him and whispered "Don't worry cutie, we're not dangerous". I pushed him again but this time he didn't fells to the ground. "Are you honest?" I asked. "Of course, we'd like to be your friends, right Jode?" said gorgeous green eyes to the little guy. "Sure!" said little guy excitedly.

"Gosh...." I relieved and sat on the ground. The gorgeous green eyes and little guy follow me to sat on the ground. "So what's your name?" I asked the gorgeous green eyes. "I'm Anthony, but you can call me Ant. And the little bro beside me is Jode". "How old are you and Jode?" I asked again. "Well... I'm 17 and Jode is 10, And you? Are you half Asian?" He asked. "I'm 16, and yeah i'm half British and half Japanese" I said. "Is that why are you so cute?" He smiles brightly. "W-what?" I blushed. Jode giggles.

"Do you mind to tell me what's all of this supposed to be? What's the purpose of this weird community? And how to get out from here?" I asked to the point.

"There's a legend... Once upon a time there was a researcher whom experimented to make a place just the same with black hole, he's frustrated cause no matter what he did, he never finished his experiment. One day, he make a deals with Demon to help him finished his experiment, but once he finished his experiment, the Demon will take his soul and his experiment. The researcher was scared but he agreed the deals. Day by day he almost finished his experiment, but he realized all he did is wrong, The Demon will use it to take people soul's, so he close the gate of the hole to prevent Demon to use it. But he already made the program that the Demon might throw people soul's there. He killed herself because of the feel of guilty. Before he died, he write a notes which say that there's only his 1616th granddaughter who can open the gate and save people souls there. Demon was very angry but he can't do anything, he destroyed people's mind to make "Ribbones" so there will be many souls to be sacrificed. Marissa is the first member in Ribbones so it's made her the leader. She's the middle-aged woman whom talked to you before" said Jode.

"That was a long story... so the only way to get out from here is wait for his 1616th granddaughter to save us? That's impossible!" I said frustratingly.

"Actually, we don't have to wait anymore" said Ant while staring at me. "She's already here?" I asked suprisingly. "Yes, and she's you, Anna." said Ant while touching my neck "You have the sign of his family, it's the star in your neck". "Wait what? I don't remember i have this kind of sign in my neck!" I said while touching my own neck. "It only showed when you're here. Listen, we don't have so much time, we need you to open the gate right now since Marissa will kill you immediately when she finds out about this" said Anthony while pulled my hand to follow him.

We're standing in front of the gate now. "Anna, all you need to do is touch the gate with all of your heart, and the gate will move itself" said Ant. I touch the gate and suprisingly it really moved itself. "See! I was right! Let's come in!" said Ant, still pulling my hand. We're walking for 30 minutes and i already tired. "Hey guys are we already a half way?" I asked. Suddenly Jode pushed me to the ground and said "You're so innocent Anna. We betrayed you! Marissa gives us a mission to make sure whether you're the 1616th granddaughter or not! And after that, we're going to make you disappear!" said Jode. "N-no!!!" I run as fast as i can to another way and hide behind the big rocks. I heard someone is coming "Annaaaa i'm coming for youuuuu" said Jode. Someone suddenly hold me tight and whispered "Azure!"

I moved to another place, all i can see here is nothing, it's like i'm trapped in a circle. Well.... with Ant. "Anna listen, i don't mean to betray you! I love you and i want to protect you!" said Ant while squuezing my shoulders. "LIAR!!! DON'T TOUCH ME! YOU'RE A BETRAYER!!" I yelled at him and pushed him away from me. He hold me immediately and sobbed "Anna please.. I really love you.. And i want you to save people here, you have to say the spells to break the curse, the spells is 'Ot vsego serdtsa ya khochu spasti iyudey zdes', but once we free, everyone here willn't remember anything from here unless you. Please believe me"

I stare into his sad eyes, i can see how sincere he is to me. I can see Violina stood not so far from us, her eyes begging for help. So i said the spells.

Everything is dark again. I'm going to somewhere. 

"WAKE UP AND MAKE US SOME FOOD!" I heard my older sister voice and i wake up immediately. I stare at her. "I'M DONE WITH THIS!" I said with a loud voice and packed my stuff in a suitcase. "ALRIGHT! WE NEVER WANT YOU HERE! NEVER COME BACK TO TO THIS HOUSE!" said my older sister.

I'm leaving my home and walk toward the street again. Suddenly, someone pulled my hand and take me to somewhere. He looks so... familiar. He pushed me to the wall and winked at me. He showed me an recorder. I realized that he's Ant, and he recorded everything from the first time we met so he will listen to it once he wake up and he will finding me. "Ant!!!??". "Sssshhhh" He said. He comes closer to me and hold me tight. "I told you i will protect you" He said.

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