The invention of the Uninvented.
When can we say enough is enough? What is the finish line for the race that we’re running?
“Guys, look its Dick the Geek!” a bystander passes by.
I wouldn’t be the geek if we went back 50 years ago, I thought. As I continued thinking, I thought about things that are flying when they’re not meant to fly. I mean, who should be in the air besides birds? Why are these people making all these things, racing each other when we basically have got enough of everything already? These cars, why should they fly when we have planes to do that? These robots, doing jobs that we created because we need it to be done, and because we “need” to create something to do something that we created.
These animals that are gone, created back, when we’re the one that killed them in the first place. What else are we going to regret and try to fix it by playing God?
Realizing of what I’m thinking, maybe indeed, I am a geek? But I don’t even know what a Nintendo is while these people know all these things that would classify them as geeks like world of Warcraft and things. Every day, everyone in this world is thinking of something new to invent.
As I stare at this superbe lady walk past me, I thought, isn’t she supposed to be one of those gossip girls? Ironically, in reality, she’s the gossiped girl. Well, what can I say? Girls with less popularity are less likely to be rejected. Keeping in mind that I’m Dick the geek, let’s say it’s a 50:50 shot.
Stop thinking of girls Dick. Stop doing what people do. Let’s get back to reality.
The reality is that people--I mean it is good, but--they invent, a lot. To the point where moving forward is actually moving backwards. I think about this a lot, but like, what would happen if we walked straight and don’t stop? We come back to where we come from. And where do we come from? Dirt! We’re going to die!
Stop thinking like that Dick. Stop doing what people do.
Let’s go back to that train of thought. If we went straight for the rest of our lives then, in a way, we’re not actually going straight we’re going back to where we came from. So we would be back at the start, with nothing, realizing nothing, and basically, nothing. In a sense, would no-drone be the future? If a drone is called something that is futuristic and it’s an invention, then is an invention of no-drone be a thing? What can I do to create a barrier that holds us from going backwards? I don’t even think they know that they aren’t actually moving forward. But remember, no regrets.
Stop doing that Dick. Stop doing what people do.
Now, what can I invent to stop this trend of inventing that they’re doing? What can I invent, or should I say: what can I not invent?
Now let’s see, how can I not invent something? How can I not invent but invent at the same time? As my eyes simmer down not realizing the board half full of equations.
Didn’t know Mrs. Fleesa wanted us to learn this side of mathematics, well better write this down first.
And now, back to brainstorming! So people want to change something by inventing something. Creating a change needs something new, an update of some sort that has never been seen before. So how would I make something that’s been here all along? Maybe what I could do is make people realize what is here and what we’ve chosen to not see and create a vision of something new. I think inventing is...
“I bet you Dick the Geek would know this question Ms. Fleesa, ask him!” I heard a scream from across of class.
“Well what do you think about global warming, Dick?” Mrs Fleesa intimidatingly asks Dick as if she knows that he doesn’t know.
“I think that global warming is a term made by humans to escape, we don’t want to know that something is the outcome of what we’ve done as a race, and we keep finding reasons of the cause and keep thinking of what we can do, if there are things that we can make to stop it, when we have the power to stop it anyways and it’s just us being ignorant Miss.”, Dick answered as if it was philosophy class.
“And I thought this was maths class Dick? Do you even realize what class you are in? Sit outside, now!” Mrs Fleesa
Well, that’s that I mean I can’t blame her. But I guess I can blame the subject. What is that noise I can hear? I can hear a crowd. What is this blueprint on the floor?
Well, I have the time, I have a blueprint, and I am pretty sure I have the resources at home to make a time machine as what it looks like in this blueprint.
Let’s go home shall we.
I chuck my bags on the wooden floor. Taking everything I think I can use to create this device. Hammers, screws, you think of it, I have it. Maybe this! This tingly feeling I have in my heart, the optimism that I can feel. Well, lets use this craving for something.
Well that was a couple of hours well spent. The time machine is o?cially done!
I gave myself a pat in the back and filled my spirit to enter the time machine.
So its 2032 now, let’s jump into 9045. 9-0-4-5 and enter.
As I walked out the time machine, nothing seemed weird. If there was a difference, it was lacking of difference. It was lacking of something,
What is different? There is nothing different! If anything, it’s far less technological than it is now! Nothing is green, I guess that’s a similarity. But I don’t see any flying cars, I don’t see drones, I don’t see robots.
Wait a second… this is my house.
This is exactly where I used my time machine. There is something di?erent I know, I can feel it. It’s as if there is no warmth in the middle of summer 9045. What is it? Better look out the window. There is literally nothing here. It’s as if.... as if there are no humans? Skies are as blue as the ocean, what is this, no pollution? I have to go, I can’t risk getting lost in this trip.
I hurried back to the time machine. What place is that?
What was that that I saw? It felt like I wasn’t supposed to be there as a race. What is happening? Whatever happened in 9045, is happening right now but people just don’t realize that it’s happening. I understand now. It’s not about stopping inventions. It’s about realizing the e?ects of what we make have towards everything else. I can’t stop people from inventing but I can make people realize. Because once we want to go too far ahead of ourselves, we will just end up being behind us.
The future isn’t about the technological advancement that lies in front of us, it’s about us being a race moving forward together. It’s not about how far people can get outside this galaxy, it’s about how far we will reach out to people around us, to realize that to move forward we can’t do it alone, but as a race.
This, what we have now, is enough.
We have everything that we need. The finish line will come when we don’t know how to say enough.
Enough is not to limit us, it’s to become a standard, to realize that we’re not in a hurry to have a futuristic technology such as flying cars.
Enough is the realization that we don’t have to destroy something else in return for our success in our invention.
Enough is to stop us from reaching the finish line of this human race. It’s to help us realize to innovate something that won’t destroy.
Something new doesn’t have to replace the old ones, if we do that, than the old ones will come back in the near future.