“DAD!!! I’m not CRAZYY!!” said Anthony as he walks passing the dim hallway with his hands tied and the nurse just beside him.
“HAHAAHAHHHAHAHAH” he laughs and starts to run away from the nurse, only to be confused out and realize it’s a one way hall so he’s actually helping the nurse by getting closer to his cell,
He comes to his cell and starts sitting on the bed thinking “what have I done?” asking to himself “did I do something bad?” he continued to talk with nobody in that room. Suddenly, he is starting to feel tired and sleepy so Anthony begins to sleep.
The next morning, Anthony woke up in the middle of a beach, he was shocked and confused, he looks around the area hoping there is maybe someone or something he can look. There was nothing, only the sea, the sand, the trees, and him. As confused as he was before, he sat there trying to think something that maybe he can think of, there was none too, he couldn’t even think for god sake.
As he sat there with his feet crossed. Staring at the sea. Suddenly, VROOOMMM!! Was heard from the sea.
There is something colorful can be seen coming towards the beach, is it a van? Is it a plane? Turns out it is a vlane, it is a van that has a front part shaped like the front of a commercial plane, designed to ride through waters and the land at the same time.
The vlane arrived at the beach, Anthony can’t see the driver because they paint the windows opaque black, the back of vlane opens, four clowns with red and black clothing came out from the vlane approaching Anthony.
“what the hell??” Anthony thoughts as he just sat there without a single thought of escaping considering four clowns out of nowhere approaches you in the middle of an empty beach.
The clowns proceed to grab him, Anthony just didn’t do anything, they covered his eyes with a black cloth and brought Anthony into the vlane, Anthony was confused, but still calm as ever, “where are you guys taking me?” said Anthony, the clowns just laughed followed with the vlane engine sound starting.
Few hours had passed, the vlane suddenly stops, the clowns brought him outside, the temperature feels warmer on this side.
The clowns remove the black cloth from Anthony’s eyes,
WOOSSHHH!! The sound of the wind can be heard and felt by Anthony as he realizes that he is on top of a giant active volcano that’s about to erupts, just right on the edge of the crater.
On the edge of a 50metres tall volcanic crater that’s about to explode with all the inside coming out , Anthony, who still didn’t get the idea on what about to happen casually asked the clowns gently “is this what you guys call an active volcano? because I’ve never seen one before” ask Anthony,
”……………………………..” A big silence for Anthony
“I think this is it, my teacher in fourth grade once told me that…” the clown had enough, they pushed Anthony towards the bubbling and blazing Crater.
As Anthony fell towards the 50m deep crater, he was confused “what is their problem? So rude..” asks Anthony.
Suddenly, as the lava gets closer and the temperature starts to get too hot for him, a tingling sense starts to hit him, he felt it, but can’t quite define it.
4 seconds passed, It’s starting, he can feel it clearly now, his hands started shaking, his breathing gets heavy, his instinct kicked in, the adrenaline rushes hard, it was fear, he can feel it hard.
. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!” he screamed and closed his eyes as his end coming closer and closer.
“AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!” he continued to scream but now apparently he was back lying on his cell bed. He realizes it and then silence himself.
He still breathes heavy, his hands were still shaking, but he is safe in his bed, “what in the world?” he said to himself confused, “Anthony, follow me” surprise the nurse as she opens Anthony’s cell, Anthony obeyed and follows her. She brought him into a bright empty room and then locks Anthony by himself. After a moment, a bulldog with a leash tied on his neck and tied on a pole at the other side, the dog was unusually quiet, no sound at all.
Suddenly, the door opens with the nurse bringing Anthony some food, “don’t worry, we’ll give the dog some food later” said the nurse, “okay” Anthony answers.
He finished his food and then just waiting, the next day has come, the dog haven’t got any food, suddenly, the nurse enters the room again bringing food and said the same thing about that they will bring the food to the dog, he finishes the food and wait again.
Day by day passed, the same thing happens, it is starting to be a routine, the dog haven’t eat a single food yet and now the bulldog starts to cry for food. Same thing happened, by weeks and the dog’s condition is getting worse, he was starving.
Anthony just doesn’t care, he continued to finish his food on his own every day. Until, one day, in the afternoon, the nurse did brought some food, but it was not for him, but for the bulldog.
These things happened for some time, day by day, Anthony didn’t get any food or whatsoever, he starts to fear, he fears that he will die because of starvation and dehydration.
One day, Anthony is thinking, he needs to survive, whatever it takes, no excuses.
with some consideration he is planning to steal the dog food. With not-so careful planning because of Anthony’s limited thinking capacity, on one afternoon, Anthony executes his plan,
the nurse had given the dog some food, Anthony starts walking up close suspiciously to the dog,
as he starts to get closer, and closer, he felt it, the unwillingness, the hesitation, but Anthony shrugs it off and stays on his path, distance is optimal, there is no better time than this, this is now or never, He steals the food from the bulldog and comes back to his place.
his heart was pounding, he doesn’t understand, he got what he wanted, but he doesn’t feel good about it, maybe this is not the right thing to do? Anthony’s thought to himself.
After a long debate with himself, with some back and forth consideration, Anthony decided,
he needs to give the food back to the dog.
He proceeds to give it back and the dog ate happily. After that occurrence , a door surprisingly opens, Anthony can hear a voice over says “you may proceed to the door”.
Anthony then walked up and enters the door, the room was dark with the only light source coming from the previous room, the door closed, and the room turned pitch black.
A text lit up saying “Good job, you may exit by pinching your right hand then pulling your thumb, thank you.”
I pinched my right hand then pulled my thumb, the doctor said “well done”
I pulled out the cord from my index finger and feeling great, the doctor said my psychopathy has been treated, Finally, I think what he said is true, I can feel it. He said human mind based from 2 basic things; fear and empathy, these two balanced equal rational thinking. I have the fear, and now I can have the empathy.
I said thank you to the doctor and then rode back home.
The End.