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The absence of the sun made my journey to the café to be gloomy which lead me to choose my “Sad Song” playlist on my Spotify. Oh, I haven’t told you about the girl I met on Tinder which was the reason why I was on the way to café, haven’t I? She’s just some other random girl that I met on that random app, of course she was the one who swipe right, well, who can ignore my handsomeness anyway?

When I walked to the café with all the wooden furnitures, she stood up and smiled. Well I guess every man will be struck by the curve of her lips when she smiles, but not me, the ponytail caught my attention. Her hair is the usual Asian’s hair, black, strong and thick but seems fluffy. Well, she seemed like a basic girl, judging from the thin black hair tie she wore which she probably bought from H&M. She talked and talked and talked, God knows what the topic was about. You know the typical scene on romance movie where the sound is muted, and the guy is just mesmerized by the girl, well, that was me when I only stared at her, well, her ponytail to be exact.

 When I was on my way back home, I was not alone anymore. I opened the entrance door of my house, took off my shoes and walked to my favorite room in the house. I opened it and smiled to all the girl wrapped in plastic, well to be exact, plastic with a little bit, okay I’ll be honest, a lot of blood. And just like what I did at the café, I was mesmerized with each girl’s ponytail. Oh, you are wondering about the Tinder Girl? Now I can look at her ponytail all the time, since now she made it to the list of all the girls wrapped with the plastic inside my favorite room.

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