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            Owell is an albino otter who lived with his grandfather and grandmother. His parents were dead attacked by a beast animal when he was child. But his grandfather and his grandmother always said that his parents were so kind and loved by the otters so they always give the advice to be a good otter although he was different.

            In the tomorrow morning, Owell was shocked because the almost half construction was broken. He was angry because of he afraid that his grandfather and his grandmother would work again.

            "WHO DID THIS?"

He almost screamed, made the other otters awoken. Then his grandfather tried to calm him. Some other otters also felt strange and no one knew who was the destroyer. But some otter also helped him to rebuild because another otter also still build their new home.

            "What happen at your home, Little Child?" Troney the rhinoceros asked.

            "Someone destroyed it. But it was okay, are you looking for a fresh water, Sir? I will get some if you want to!"

             "Of course, please, Owell!"

            Then Owell put the water to Mr. Troney, instead of well known as an albino otter, he also likes to help another animal to search the fresh water. After it, Mr. Troney helped rebuild the construction with giving some woods.

 In afternoon, Popy just came.

             "Sorry I'm in late, you looked sad, what's going on?"

            "Someone destroyed the construction. I think it was another otter also because no one there can turn into the underwater."

             "Ah, I feel sorry for that. Umm, I have an idea. How about we hide tonight, maybe the destroyer come back to here?"

             "Nice idea, Popy!"

            Then the two best friend hide near the tree, waiting for the time. But there's nothing. Then he saw Baron the otter, he put some woods near the side river. Then they came to him.

             "So you are the otter that destroyed my home!" Owell said

            "Sssst, sorry Owell I didn't mean to. Please don't be angry, this is my apology for you, I brought quality wood for you. But please don't say that I'm bad to my parents."

             "Really, okay I'll apologize you! Thank you for coming this midnight"

             "It seems nothing wrong here. So I will get home. Bye Owell and Baron!"


             Then the other tomorrow when Owell continuing the new home, Baron came with Mr. Tiger.

             "That's the thief! I saw in the midnight when I was awoken and they steal your woods! Owell is bad, he is pretending to be good all this time!"

Mr. Tiger got angry, Owell tried to explain.

             "Could you explain this one, Child?"

             "That's not true! Baron gave me these woods in the midnight!" said Owell

            "Nah, so after being a really bad thief, he pointed me as a criminal? What kind of otter is Owell? It doesn't mean you are albino so you have to specialize, that's not fair!"

Some otter got provoked by what Baron said, and the commotion heard by another animal and then Orio the Jungle King came.

            "Today is very noisy, what happen here?"

            "So, my majesty. This albino otter stole Mr. Tiger woods to build the dam, he is so bad also disturb another animal."

 The situation was uncontrolled and afraid if Owell would do something bad again. Then the Lion King spoke.

             "Based on our terms, an animal shouldn't make a conflict in this jungle. To make the better   one, sorry, Owell and family. All of you have to get out of this jungle"

             "But you're the King! Isn't fair!"

            "Please, my king. He also a protester!" said Baron and agreed by Mr. Tiger.

             "But..!" before Owell finished the sentence, Owell's grandparent stopped him and said.

            "I'm sorry for the mistake, my King. We will get out from this forest, as soon as we can."

             "Why grandpa did that, I'm not the thief, grandpa. Popy will show us!"

            "It's okay my child. I trust you, we know you more than anyone. Now, how about focusing and finding the new home. It will sound more interesting, right?"

             "I'm so sorry, grandma and grandpa. Dad and mom must be disappointed that make  you all the trouble."

            "Psst, don't say that, you are special, we proud of you! Really proud. We believe that  you are the miracle."

             "Thank you, I love you both more than ever!"

Then after two days flying to find Owell's family, Popy find them in and rapidly came to them.

             "All of you moved? Why didn't tell me?"

             "We're trying to build a new better dam because there's a misunderstanding in the  jungle."

            "Ah, I see. Ah Owell, I almost forget! I see your friend Baron in the street that surrounded by eagles, I'm afraid to them so I can't help."

            "Can you lift me, I'll help him. Be quick!"

Then they left Owell's grandparents and come to the place.

             Popy was so afraid that just finally followed Owell's step.

            "Misters!" Owell said with confidently.

             "Ah, what do you want, otter?"

             "As the sky wanderer, do you know the philosophy that sky is the highest holy place?"

             "Yes, that's our philosophy. Then, what's the matter?"

            "We also have a philosophy, Mister. In our land, if there's an animal with a special like me, an albino otter, also a holy. So you can't hurt or kill them."

             "So? I won't kill you. But I'll kill this brown one!"

             "You can't!"


            "Because you can't hurt a friend of mine, if I holy, he is holy too. If you still do that,  the sky won't on your side."

             "Very wise, Little Child. I'll leave, then.

            Baron thanked Owell, then Owell explained the whole stories to Popy. Then they back to the Jungle and Baron explained all the truth that the reason he said that was because he hated that everyone got attached to Owell kindness. Baron didn't get punishment because Owell didn't want to, but he had to help to build Owell's house. All of the animal and the King said sorry and learned to be the fair one and took the right decision. Owell also learned to be a very calm and Baron became his best friend. Now, all of the animals lived happily.

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