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Hi,my name is Hannah..
I am a 15 year old teenager that apparently really likes things that is related to horror

I lived in a house that has been standing since the year 1995. There was definitely something scary in that house. My parent's said that if you go to the basement you will see something that will frightened you. But they would never tell  that something to me..

Until now, I still imagine that story that my parents told me. Which is why I dare myself to go to the basement at midnight. Although i have to make sure that my parent's are asleep.
I have prepared so many stuff including torch, phone, pocket knife and others.

It is now midnight. I'm in front of my basement door I have checked that both if my parents are asleep. My heart starts pounding really fast when my hand touched the door knob.

When I open the door the lights in the basement suddenly light up by itself..
I was shocked, but that doesn't stop me from exploring the basement.
When I reach down to the last stair of the basement I saw something in a distance.
I tried to get close to it but it's gone just in a second...

Then something touch me from the back..And it was a little kid saying "Do you want to play with me?" Then the little kid beg me to play with him.. 
I still haven't answer.His face started rottening and falling apart

I started screaming and crying at the same time..

I was very scared at that time. I didn’t know what to do I ran away as fast as I can to the other side of the basement but the kid wont give up. And i kept running, about 5 minutes of running the kid was gone but another problem came in, There was this lady who is wearing all white clothing and has  long hair

She said “come to me” I was very frightened when I saw the lady..I just stood frozen doing nothing. I tried walking slowly from the lady and it worked!!. 
Just about time, my parent's grab me and took me upstairs to their room 
They were really mad at me for breaking the first rule in the house..
And they finally started explaining why I shouldn't have went to the basement

I have gone to far today,I felt very-very guilty. I shouldn’t have broken the most important rule in the house. I really hate myself for doing that

They were so disappointed in me for going to the basement. I also started feeling guilty.. My parents were right, they were only trying to protect me. I shouldn’t have gone to the basement at the first place.

Legend says that the house that we live in is used to be an orphanage..
One day the orphanage had a tragic moment when all of the kids in the orphanage started killing themselves or more likely doing Suicide. They said they can't  deal with their problems anymore

Although,one of the orphanage kid had run away from the tragedy that had happened.
And that orphanage kid was my Mom!!

When I heard that story with my own ear. I can't believe it!!
I was so shocked when both of my parents told me the history of our house.
then I asked my mom "Why do we live here then?? Doesn't this place reminds you of the bad memories"
My mom answered "Because it reminds me of my best friends."
I felt speechless then. And from now on, I will not go to the basement ever again!

To avoid me from going to the basement ever again I locked the basement door and I throw away the key. I’m just hoping that no one will ever find that basement key again. My parents felt so happy that I throw away the key..


The End

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