I stared in anguish as he stumbled in. The smell of alcohol and peculiar smell reeking his clothes. I had enough of all of this. I first just let that slip away because I knew deep down he still loved me but now he was driving me insane with his habits. He didn’t only flirt with but he slept with them, drinking jugs of alcohol until he was sober.
He would disburse all my money for stinking those girl despite the fact that he earned a well income from his job. I never felt like a girlfriend beside him instead I was like a maid. He thinks that his life is ruined because of me and stupidly I never even fought back; I was loving him way too much
He came home, slapping and yelling at me. I stood up, anger building up in my body spreading like wildfire and went to my room or should I say our room while stumping my feet as it glided through the hard floor while slamming my crooked door in the process.
I plopped myself to my bed running my hands through my hair thinking deeply.
I decided that enough is enough and that this was the end.
While staring at the cold ceiling he suddenly barged in my room calling me by my name.
“Why did you run away from me” he whispered that right in my ears sending shivers down my spines while pulling my hair.
But that wasn’t enough for him and he continued “I figured out something today, that I never loved you so no wonder I was always with other ladies than you because you are just a toy, UNDERSTAND??? You were my source of money” he chuckled getting closer to my face caressing my cheeks.
I knew he was drunk. He may not mean what he just said but I believed him because as many people had said, people are the truest when drunk and he is.
I gained confidence to blurt out words “I’m sorry”. “I’m sorry for being there for you”. “I’m sorry for protecting you, defending you when you are wrong”. I’m sorry for giving you everything you need even when I know I was just never gonna be appreciated and instead I received slaps.” Remembering all those memories I let out my last sentence “Mostly, I’m sorry for believing you had even loved me”. I mumbled tears starting to form in my eyes while I managed to create a decent crescent while my eyes showing a dark deep stare right in his eyes.
He stumbled back, realizing what he had just said and done. “Diane” he stuttered. The sickness of alcohol starting to making its way up in his body. He ran to the toilet spilling everything he had. I rub my non-existent tear but weirdly my eyes feel hot. My mind wasn’t in its right mind as my legs built its own path as I packed my stuff from the closet.
I glanced back to the memories but just shrugged it off and opened the door while an ear-piercing click was heard. “Diane” he screamed running toward me kneeling down while chanting “I’m sorry” . He stared me with his teary eyes like a lost puppy but I knew this wasn’t working. “No, I’m sorry for believing you loved me” I said blankly. He encircled his arms around my arms but I harshly tug it and ran.
Run away from him, run away from the pain.
His desperate footsteps was heard as I dodged every pedestrian on my way until I didn’t hear the load horn from the car but it was too late.
The world stopped, while I realized the blinding light rushing towards me as I heard bone snapping loudly and blood gushing out everywhere. I stared at the stunning sky as black dots was clearing to my way as I saw him. He stood there with eyes, crystalized with tears resembling an ocean as my pain was throbbing.
“I’m sorry this happened so don’t l..eave me. Pl..e.ase I need yo..u” as he cried harder. “ I’…..m..m….s..o…sorry” I cooed .Blood burning my eyes. He kept it wasn’t my fault as my lips form a smile. “ You wouldn’t leave me because of this wouldn’t you?” hope sparkled his eyes.He carried me bridal style while blood dripping everywhere screaming in desperate. I felt darkness engulfing me as I called his name once again and asked him “ Chris, before I leave please don’t cry get that tears away because I wanna see your eyes sparkle the last time”. He smiled and wiped his tears.I took his face to my hands and caress it for the last time “ T..ha..t’s… th..e onl..y th..hhing I n..eee..dd…than..k y…..ooo…uu” I said as darkness engulfed.