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It is the year 2050.A man called Holland build the robot army that have the program inside of them.But one of the program inside of them was corrupted.It is because a man called Hades.He make a chip that can corrupt the robots and give it to each robot.Hades give that chip to Holland.But Holland doesn’t know that it can corrupt the robots.So he input the chip to their machine.Suddenly the robot start attacking the scientist who help Holland make the robots.Holland directly run and hide and take the bow and he hide the bow that can kill the robots in one shoot.He hide it in his hidden hut that is located in the jungle.In the hut Holland is trying to make a device to know the path of the robots.So they can sneak and destroy the robots.suddenly he hear his friend’s voice and he put his friend inside the hut.He told to his friend about the device.Then they go out and attack the robots using the bow.They destroyed many robots.but then the the bow is destroyed because the robot shoot the bow.Then they are attacked by the robots and they died.7 years later people is living in the jungle and there is a boy born that has the power to destroy those robots.he trained for many years.He is finally adult.One day when he and his father go hunting suddenly a giant robot called the killing machine attacked them and his father died because of the very powerful weapon that can destroy the rock easily.So he live alone he cannot forget that moment when his father died.After a few months he meet his old friend and they train for five years.They killed the giant machine together and they make the journey to kill all the robots.They meet a robot call sawtooth that have kill many hunters.They fight the sawtooth and they win.But they struggle a lot.They think:if they meet the stronger robot they will die and lose.But they continue their journey and find a small village.They train there because there are strong robots.they have train a lot.People in the village ask them to go because they want the robots to die.In the middle of the journey they find a robot that is much bigger than the sawtooth.But it didin’t attack.There are so many robots near it.they want to know,what is the reason that many robots defend it.So they sneak to the giant robot.After they reach the giant robot they go to its head and see a light that means that the giant robot is not corrupted and they can kill the many robots easily.But they wonder why the robot is not corrupted.They asked the old people and they said that the chip is not strong enough to control the robot.They continue their journey.They find a robot name rockbreaker that can go through the soil without damaging the soil.And they are so strong.The boy and his friend run and find a kingdom.The kingdom is called the sun altar.In this kingdom they are trained by the king and they become an expert. They continue the journey and find the stronger robot in a giant crocodile form.They are weak with the fire arrow.They fight it and win easily.They find the giant octopus robot and that is a very strong one that no one could defeat.But the name is still a mystery until now.They try to find the place to make the robots and they finally find it after five months finding.They take a very powerful electric weapon to destroyed the rockbreaker.They use it and it really can kill it easily.They get back to the kingdom and actually the enemy are attacking they directly help the kingdom’s army and t is only 1 robots left.But it is the strongest robot life.It is called the deathbringer they need the legendary weapon.But still the robot is so hard to kill because they put an extra armor.They finally win but his friend died and he destroyedthe sorce of corruption and every people cheer for him. The end.

Tags: future

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