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The Final Journey


Once upon a time there lived a boy named Atreus .He had a mother named Fay and a father named Kratos . Both of his parents were great warriors who fought in great war against the gods and the monsters that the gods send.

They all fought as a family, but one day Fay died in the hand’s of hades and  his monster. Fay’s last wish is if she died, she wanted Atreus and Kratos to spread her ashes on the top of the highest part of the mountain in all realm.


Kratos trained Atreus to fought like a warrior and Atreus trained as hard as he possibly can. The day that Atreus anticipated had finally come. He and his father went on a journey to the top of the mountain. There hades waits to demolish Atreus and his father and seek revenge because Fay and Kratos killed his brother, Poseidon. On the middle of their journey, they bumped into a troll that hades sent to destroy them.


 Kratos and Atreus fought side by side, they protected each other and Atreus defeats his first monster.They continued their journey and they met another god that hades sent. It was Baldur, the god of light in this figt Kratos asked Atreus to stand back and let him fought alone. Kratos asked Baldur to stand of his path and he asked Baldur to not make their journey longer. Baldur denied and said “I  will not let you pass unless you kill me.”. Kratos had no choice and he didn’t want his son to get hurt. So he fought Baldur really hard and in the middle of his fight, baldur said “how hard you fought me, I do not feel nothing… hahaha (evil laugh).” and Kratos replied” I do not care if you do not feel a single thing, at least I can protect my son from you evil gods!!!” he is able to fought Baldur cause there was a secret that Kratos did not tell Atreus . He even once killed Zeus to protect his secret from his son that he did not want him to know because Kratos know that if he told him that he will become full of rage and will go against him. They are actually both demi-god that is cast away the Olympus which was originally Kratos’s home. Kratos hated the god and tried to killed all of them but Hades ran away from Olympus and stayed alive. Kratos was actually zeus’s son. Kratos killed Zeus because he knew that one day Zeus will tell Atreus his secret that he did not want Atreus to know and he Killed Zeus with his own Axe that Zeus gave him  a weapon to defend him-self that was first gave to Fay. He finally defeated Baldur. They continued their journey with Atreus to the top of the mountain. 

  They the Frost Giant’s  Prophecy.With Baldur dead, and Fay gone, Kratos and Atreus head to the top of the snowy mountain in Jotunheim to complete their quest as the last wish of Fay. As they arrive at the structure at its peak a mural on the wall is revealed depicting Atreus mother with the Leviathan Axe speaking with giants.

The art depicts the story of this God of War game, from Kratos and Atreus first meeting the world serpent and the dragon in the mountain to the stone mason and the just-finished battle against Baldur. It’s Atreus’ story foretold by the giants. Kratos wasn’t the only parent keeping secrets as it turns out. She was a giant. Atreus is also then part giant.Fay had sent them on this quest to the mountain, knowing they’d find this, knowing how this journey would play out. It was the prophecy, the prophecy of Loki.

Atreus is Loki, the original name Faye had for Atreus, as Kratos reveals.

Kratos also noticed one additional piece of art on the wall that Atreus missed before they spread out Faye’s ashes over the valley of the dead giants and it depicts a dead Kratos in the arms of what could be a larger, older Atreus. Finally they finished their journey and and spread Fay’s ashes and he did not bother of the prophecy.



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