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                                                                                5 Gems              


            This summer is a great time to relax and forget about subject, exams, homework, project, quizzes, remedial, experiments, and all about school because it's not that useful . This holiday I will always remember my motto,"play more, study less". Today I asked myself "Should I play outside my house, or inside my house?" and then, I rather to play inside my house and play game because I'm too lazy to move.


            One day my mom ask me to play outside because I'm too lazy, like an old sloth. After that i bring my phone and play in my garden, not long after that  my mom see me play game with my phone. "Why are you still play game, i told you to play outside" says mom, so i reply " i play outside mom... " and then my mom talk to me with louder voice "i mean you play outside and play with your friend". "ok,mom" i said.


            So,i play with my friend. i had a  lot of fun. After 5 hour we are getting bored, and than one of my friend named Peter invite us to do a challange. the challenge is we must go to inside of an old house that alredy not been lived. when they go inside they only see a big doors,there are 6  doors and each doors have number and color. door 1 is red,door 2 is whaite,door 3 is green,door 4 is black, door 5 is dark blue, and door 6 is gold. Then they go to the each door and got a mini book.and they read it.


            Door red is called element gems to control 5 element, the element is fire,wind,lightning,soil,and water. but if you want to realese it you have to say the key.katon for fire,fuuton for wind, raiton for lightning, doton for soil,and fuiton for water. Door white is called mind gem is to do everything with your mind, for example telekinesis and telepathy. Green door is called life gem is to control wood and you can heal someone by 60%. you olso can regenerate your body by 60%.



            Black door is called teleport gems , you can teleport from one place to another place but you must ever see a place that you want teleport. Dark blue door is called senses gem its make you blind but your sense will be 60% better, you can do ecolocation, you can know where an enemy is, and many more.

            gold door left. that door is made by iron.its alredy 5.06 pm its time to go home.peter got the book from  red door,seve from the white door,liz from the black door,karen from brown door,steve from drak blue door, and matty got nothing because the gold door is made by iron and its hard to open it. So they go home. Suddenly Matty remember that his teacher ever say "iron is strong but iron weekness is if you give a realy cool thing to the iron".


            Next day they all back to the old house.But matty bring cool gas, and his friend are confused. and than they try to open the door but  still cant, so matty try to open the door by using cool gas that matty brought the result is succes the key door are broken and the door open.suddenly a bright light shining on them and they go in the other world.


            not long after that they are wake up and in their hand have a hole and fill with a gem. Peter gem is red,seve is white,liz is black,karen is brown,steve is dark blue,and matty is....  only got a 1 big hole on his hand. And then sudenly they relize that the gems in their hand is a book that they read last night. They try the power of their stone.










            After that an oldman come and  ask help for his village that will destroyed by ronan. "who is ronan" said seve, "Ronan... is a man half god that have power that can destroy a world" says old man with a low voice. so Peter,Seve,Liz,Karen,steve,and matty go to the village, to make it fast they fly by using seve's telekinesis. When they alredy in the battle field seve drop matty in a save place becouse he doesnt have any power.


            they didn't see Ronan but only Steve that can see him so seve conect each other to communicate and hiding first Karen  pull Ronan down and then liz and peter teleport and hit ronan so hard "katon,fuuton,suiton,doton!!" says . But thats not enough ronan raise and hit them so hard until they die.And than matty collect all gems and become power full. He pull Ronan and use all element and he teleport and punch Ronan so hard than matty win and the villager called him Mighty Matty

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