Title | : Boy |
Category | : Short Story |
Language | : English(UK) |
Published | : May 2018 |
Total Hits | : 307 |
Total Readers | : 212 |
Total Likes | : 1 |
Status | : Completed |
Total Pages | : 0 |
Rating | : - |
Written by | : andrianohaeckel |
A 9 year old boy faces bankruptcy with his family and runs into misery. How is he gonna find his happiness again?
My name’s Jah. I’m 9 years old. I’m really good in math. I really love basketball although I’m not tall enough, which is pretty sad. My dad owns a company. New year celebration has always been my favorite celebration, because, well, that’s the only time I can stay up late.
However, this year’s new year celebration isn’t the same. I was having a party with my big family, it was really fun. But that was also the time I found out my dad was feeling sad. I wasn’t brave enough to ask him why. So I didn’t really care about it and didn’t ask him. Until this one night, my parents told me a really shocking news. They said that we got bankrupt, we just have too many debts. And yes I said it correctly, unfortunately. They also said that we need to sell our house and our car. It hurts me. I love the house that we live in. My dad had to find a new job and my mom, who has always been a housewife, had to work as well. My dad works as a salesman now. I was totally saddened by this. My sister couldn’t even go to college, which she has always dreamed of. My sister works part-time. She goes to school by day and works by night.
I still got school but since then I have never been focused in my classes. My scores have decreased and my teachers have told my parents. I have never told my parents why, although it is because I keep on thinking about my family’s suffering. I told my parents that I don’t understand the lessons because they are hard. I am not that good in math anymore. I don’t know what to do to help my parents. I decided to work to help my parents. Although my parents disallow me from doing it, I decided to do so. Just by the simplest things, such as working in the parking lot, organizing the parking lot. It is actually not that bad, I can make $2 a day. I mean, that’s quite a lot, right? At least for my daily needs.
Things just get worse and worse for me. My father’s sales aren’t successful. By one month time, my house’s contract will run out, so we needed to find an apartment. My parents start arguing every night. I hate that. All I can hear every night is my dad yelling to my mom. And then this one time… another let down for me. Just like every night, my parents keep on fighting and arguing. Little tragic, yeah? My mom decided to leave my dad for a while with my sister. I stayed with my dad. Two weeks before I can move out to a new apartment, my house was evicted. My dad told me we haven’t had our money yet to get a new apartment. So we were kind of.. homeless. We slept in a toilet in the train station. That was pretty sad. We couldn’t find any proper place to stay in. After a week time, my dad finally have enough money for a temporary apartment. Life just keeps on getting harder for me.
I just focus on school now and I don’t really think about other things. My dad made a promise to me that he wants to make an investment and he is also applying a job of being a stockbroker. But in order to be a stockbroker he needs a 3 month trial before.. before being success. I think that’s a good way to escape from our misery. My dad is still focusing on his sales and just waiting for someone to put money on his investment. As time pass by, good things start to happen.
Tomorrow my dad’s going to have the announcement on whether he is accepted in his job or no. Tomorrow’s a big day.
My dad fortunately got accepted in his job being a stockbroker. I can’t be happier. I think I can finally find my way out of this misery.
3 years later, my dad has made $5 million in his job.
My name’s Jah. I’m 9 years old. I’m really good in math. I really love basketball although I’m not tall enough, which is pretty sad. My dad owns a company. New year celebration has always been my favorite celebration, because, well, that’s the only time I can stay up late.
However, this year’s new year celebration isn’t the same. I was having a party with my big family, it was really fun. But that was also the time I found out my dad was feeling sad. I wasn’t brave enough to ask him why. So I didn’t really care about it and didn’t ask him. Until this one night, my parents told me a really shocking news. They said that we got bankrupt, we just have too many debts. And yes I said it correctly, unfortunately. They also said that we need to sell our house and our car. It hurts me. I love the house that we live in. My dad had to find a new job and my mom, who has always been a housewife, had to work as well. My dad works as a salesman now. I was totally saddened by this. My sister couldn’t even go to college, which she has always dreamed of. My sister works part-time. She goes to school by day and works by night.
I still got school but since then I have never been focused in my classes. My scores have decreased and my teachers have told my parents. I have never told my parents why, although it is because I keep on thinking about my family’s suffering. I told my parents that I don’t understand the lessons because they are hard. I am not that good in math anymore. I don’t know what to do to help my parents. I decided to work to help my parents. Although my parents disallow me from doing it, I decided to do so. Just by the simplest things, such as working in the parking lot, organizing the parking lot. It is actually not that bad, I can make $2 a day. I mean, that’s quite a lot, right? At least for my daily needs.
Things just get worse and worse for me. My father’s sales aren’t successful. By one month time, my house’s contract will run out, so we needed to find an apartment. My parents start arguing every night. I hate that. All I can hear every night is my dad yelling to my mom. And then this one time… another let down for me. Just like every night, my parents keep on fighting and arguing. Little tragic, yeah? My mom decided to leave my dad for a while with my sister. I stayed with my dad. Two weeks before I can move out to a new apartment, my house was evicted. My dad told me we haven’t had our money yet to get a new apartment. So we were kind of.. homeless. We slept in a toilet in the train station. That was pretty sad. We couldn’t find any proper place to stay in. After a week time, my dad finally have enough money for a temporary apartment. Life just keeps on getting harder for me.
I just focus on school now and I don’t really think about other things. My dad made a promise to me that he wants to make an investment and he is also applying a job of being a stockbroker. But in order to be a stockbroker he needs a 3 month trial before.. before being success. I think that’s a good way to escape from our misery. My dad is still focusing on his sales and just waiting for someone to put money on his investment. As time pass by, good things start to happen.
Tomorrow my dad’s going to have the announcement on whether he is accepted in his job or no. Tomorrow’s a big day.
My dad fortunately got accepted in his job being a stockbroker. I can’t be happier. I think I can finally find my way out of this misery.
3 years later, my dad has made $5 million in his job.
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